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36 American Liberators Memorial

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On the left and right flanking the large monument.


Two trapezoidal brown tablets inscribed with 36 names, eighteen on each tablet, followed by their rank, and their age (written in French) in engraved and white lettering. These 36 soldiers were killed between August 7 and 9 of 1944 after the liberation of Pont-Scorff. The memorial was dedicated in August 2022 in a ceremony joined by the family and friends of the soldiers, the residents of Pont-Scorff, and the sponsors of the project.


On August 7, 1944, after liberating Pont-Scorff, soldiers of the 4th American Armored Division came under fire from German artillery. The same day, the German artillery of Moustoir-Flamm bombarded the field between Bivière and Ty Nenez, resulting in 20 American soldiers killed and 85 wounded, destroying 5 half-tracks, 6 jeeps, 2 trucks, and 2 armored cars, and damaging a score of other vehicles. The following days' fighting brought the number of dead to 36.

Monument Text:

Note: “ans” means yrs old


Left tablet:


HEELER William K. CPL 26 ans

TEBA Sammy B. PFC 22 ans              

WALTY Francis W. S/SGT 24 ans 

PANCOAST Roger S. SGT 26 ans

KROHE Robert I. SGT 23 ans


FRUMEN William M. SGT 30 ans


ROBILLARD Alfred J. PFC 22 ans

PETT Arthur N. S/SGT 26 ans

BLOCK William A. PFC 28 ans

VACCA John A. PFC 24 ans

LANDINO James G. TEC 5 32 ans

SACCO Joseph Jr. PFC 29 ans

GRIFFIN Arthur C. 2 LT 31 ans         

WINSLOW Herbert C. PVT 30 ans

FREE Louie C. PVT 32 ans

FALLOON Peter J. CAPT 25 ans



Right tablet:


NEVILLE Robert P. TEC 5 24 ans

KELLY Charles A. 1ST LT 26 ans

FISHBURN Léo T. PFC 20 ans

MENKELLO George W. PVT 24 ans


KLONOWSKI Joseph D. TEC 5 20 ans

LEMOINE Eugene J. T/SGT 28 ans

FAGNANO Charles A. PVT 20 ans

ROBINSON Duncan E. PVT 19 ans   

PRITCHETT Thomas W. PFC 22 ans

SMITH Lloyd O. MAJ 30 ans

DUFFY Paul P. TEC 5 28 ans

FOGLIO Joseph A. TEC 5 28 ans

HEATH John E. PVT 27 ans

SPAGNA Louis D. 1 SGT 34 ans

CARNEY Albert J. TEC 5 30 ans

KIRSHENBAUM Isidore S/SGT 29 ans

BURTON Eugène F. TEC 4 24 ans