100th Infantry Division Memorial - Rimling Church
On the right side of the town war memorial.
A rectangular stone plaque bearing a commemoration message written in French. Above the message are the flags of France and the United States of America. The depicted image on the bottom corner of the plaque is the Rimling Coat of arms. Below this plaque, a tablet could also be seen listing the soldiers of the 100th Infantry Division who lost their lives for the town’s liberation. In front of these is a triangular prism on which a plaque is mounted in memory of Sgt Carey who was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroic action in defense of his unit's perimeter on January 1, 1945.
At the end of World War II, Rimling was heavily contested. The fighting resulted in numerous casualties and damage to property. On December 13, 1944, US troops took the town for the first time. From Christmas Rimling was then under heavy German fire and from January 7th to 10th of 1945, parts of the 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division recaptured the village during Operation Nordwind. On January 13, the SS took 15 men between the ages of 16 and 60 hostage and kidnapped them to Zweibrücken, where they were tortured and harassed by the Gestapo. On January 20th they were allowed to go home. The names are all known. Finally, on February 15, 1945, US troops returned and finally liberated Rimling.
Source of information: www.bloges.wiki
***Note: We believe that some of the soldiers listed on this plaque as KIA were actually taken POW.
Monument Text:
Plaque mounted on the town war memorial:
A la mémoire
Des Soldats de la 100th Infantry Division
Morts dan leur combat pour notre Libération
Honneur à tous ceux qui ont combattu
pour notre Liberté
Rimling, le 29 September 1996
English translation:
In memory of
The soldiers of the 100th Infantry Division
Died in their fight for our Liberation
Honor to all who fought
for our freedom
Rimling, September 29, 1996
Lower plaque:
Les hommes de la 100 th Infantry Division étaient
des combattants n'ayant à coeur que le dés d'accomplir leur devoir.
Entre le 20 octobre 1944 et le 22 mars 1945
la Century Division a perdu 811 soldats sur le sol Francais.
"Ayons une penséc toute particuliére pour ceux qui sont tombés à Rimling"
BROWN Grady * BURKHOLDER Orvin * CAREY Charles CAROLL Troy CHAMBLISS Preston * GOODWIN Albert * GORELL Robert GRIFFIN Cecil * HELMS John HUTCHINS Leland * IHRIG Theodore JENNINGS Theodore LELAND Earl |
MAC CRAY Herman MATEER Robert MILLER Robert OTRUBA John PETERSON Carl * PEXTON Francis * POLHEMUS Richard ROSSE Franck SKOKAN Franck * TABER Alvadis THOMAS Clarence * TOOLE Max WILLIAMS Ben |
English translation:
The men of the 100th Infantry Division were
fighters who had in their hearts only the desire to do their duty.
Between October 20, 1944, and March 22, 1945
the Century Division lost 811 soldiers on French soil.
"A special thought for those who fell at Rimling".
BROWN Grady * BURKHOLDER Orvin * CAREY Charles CAROLL Troy CHAMBLISS Preston * GOODWIN Albert * GORELL Robert GRIFFIN Cecil * HELMS John HUTCHINS Leland * IHRIG Theodore JENNINGS Theodore LELAND Earl |
MAC CRAY Herman MATEER Robert MILLER Robert OTRUBA John PETERSON Carl * PEXTON Francis * POLHEMUS Richard ROSSE Franck SKOKAN Franck * TABER Alvadis THOMAS Clarence * TOOLE Max WILLIAMS Ben ***Note: We believe that some of the soldiers listed on this lower plaque, were not KIA, but were taken POW. |
100th Infantry Division
374th Field Artillery Battalion, 100th Infantry Division
397th Infantry Regiment, 100th Infantry Division
398th Infantry Regiment, 100th Infantry Division
399th Infantry Regiment, 100th Infantry Division
7th Army
United States Army
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