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Heilbronn 84th Field Artillery Regiment Plaque

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On the base of the flagpole.


A plaque with a commemoration message for Staff Sergeant John Leach, Sergeant Todd A. Zephier, and Private First Class Darryl L. Shirley, who lost their lives in the Pershing II missile explosion on January 11, 1985, in this area. The inscription is in both English and German and features the American flag alongside the National League of Families POW/MIA flag.

Source of photos:

Monument Text:


‘’ Least we forget ’’


Left Column:


Dedicated to the children of the world today and in pure honored memory of our fellow brothers in arms who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom. We stand together as brothers and sisters with you to honor the memory of those three American Soldiers, John Leach, Todd A. Zephier and Darryl L. Shirley, whose lives were cut short on that faithful cold and snowy day on January 11, 1985. Due to their untimely death, their sacrifice started a new era which was the beginning of the end of the Cold War.



Right Column:


Gewidmet den Kindern der Welt und in Erinnerung an unsere geehrten Kameraden, die mit Ihrem Leben das größte Opfer für die Freiheit bezahlt haben. Wir stehen als Brüder und Schwestern zusammen, um die drei amerikanishen Soldaten, John Leach, Todd A Zephier und Darryl L. Shirley, deren Leben viel zu Kurz war, zu ehren. Sie starben am 11. Januar 1985, an einem kalten und schneereichen Wintertag. Wir gedenken den drei Soldaten , die das größtmögliche Opfer erbrachten and damit eine neue Ära einleiteten, die den Anfang vom Ende des Kalten Krieges bedeutete.




John Everett Leach

Darryl Lee Shirley

Todd Alexander Zephier


84th Field Artillery Regiment

United States Army


Cold War

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