Sgt's John Leach, Todd Zephier, and PFC Darryl Shirley Monument
On the east side of the road.
A rough-hewn stone monument bearing a rectangular bronze plaque commemorating Staff Sergeant John Leach, Sergeant Todd A. Zephier, and Private First Class Darryl L. Shirley who was killed during a Pershing II missile explosion on January 11, 1985. The plaque is inscribed in both English and German.
On January 11, 1985, a Pershing II missile's first stage exploded during an assembly at Camp Redleg, killing three U.S. Army soldiers from Battery C, 3rd Battalion, 84th Field Artillery Regiment: SSgt Leach Sgt Zephier, PFC Shirley, and sixteen others were injured. The explosion occurred when the missile's rocket motor, affected by static electricity in cold, dry conditions, ignited upon contact with metal. The blast destroyed the assembly tent and multiple vehicles, scattering debris over a wide area.
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Monument Text:
Lest we forget
SSG John Leach
SGT Todd A. Zephier
PFC Darryl L. Shirley
who made the ultimate sacrifice for
their country and peace
and the soldiers of C Battery, 3d Battalion,
84th Field Artillery (Pershing) injured in the
missile fire at Fort Redleg Heilbronn/ Germany,
11 January 1985
Zum Gedenken an
SSG John Leach
SGT Todd A. Zephier
PFC Darryl L. Shirley
die für ihr Land und für Frieden
ihr Leben opferten
und an die Soldaten der C Batterie,
3. Bataillon, 84. Feldartillerie (Pershing), die
bei dem Raketenbrand auf der Waldheide in Heilbronn
am 11. Januar 1985 verletzt wurden.
84th Field Artillery Regiment
United States Army
Cold War
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