551st PIR, Draguinan, France

1ID, Cantigny, France
We appreciate and encourage bequests of all sizes as a way to provide for American War Memorials Overseas at a later date. Gifts by will (or living trust) can be for a specified dollar amount, a percentage of the total estate, or the remainder of the estate after debts, taxes and other bequests have been paid. You can designate a particular purpose, but our needs change over time. The most valuable bequest for us is one that can be applied where the need is greatest. Here is an example of language used to create a bequest:
I give, devise and bequeath to the American War Memorials Overseas, Inc., a Wilmington, Delaware non-profit, charitable organization, (insert dollar amount, percentage (%) of estate, or exact description of property to be devised).
If you include us in your will, please consider sending us a copy of the section relating to the gift so we can recognize your contribution, thank you, and review the language of the will or living trust so we can be certain to correctly carry out your wishes. Send the document to American War Memorials Overseas as follows:
American War Memorials Overseas, Inc.
2711 Centerville Road Suite 120 PMB 6500
Wilmington, DE 19808
You can name American War Memorials Overseas as the owner and beneficiary of a policy you no longer need, or of a policy you purchase for the purpose of a charitable gift. This is an easy and confidential way to provide significant support without a large cash outlay on your part. Plus, the gift is transferred to us outside of probate, making it immediately available.
You can leave American War Memorials Overseas bank accounts or some types of securities conveniently and without a will. You can accomplish this gift simply by filling out the appropriate form with your financial institution and the asset will be transferred upon your death.
You can give American War Memorials Overseas all or a portion of any retirement plans you have, including your 401(k), IRA, Keogh or others. When you use these types of assets as charitable contributions, you avoid income and estate taxes, as well as probate. You simply need to fill out a form with your account manager.
The above suggestions are not given as legal advice. Please call our Executive Director toll free at 1-888-224-6108 to discuss planned giving.