Henry Howard Houston II

The family of Henry Howard Houston II donated the money to renovate this memorial. A rededication was held on 18 August 18, exactly 100 years after he was killed.
Airbus Factory Wall

The city of Toulouse financed the painting of this mural surrounding the plaque already honoring LT Daniel Haley, shot down on this site on 20 August 1944.
CPT Oliver Cunningham

A complete restoration of the monument was undertaken and the original plates were replaced. The cost of the restoration was supported by Reseau Ferre de France, as compensation for the construction of the TGV Est. The work was directed by Denis Mellinger. Many thanks to the Lorraine Contemporary Military History Association, who completed this renovation.
2ID Boulder Mouzon

Many thanks to Patrick Simons for carrying out this renovation
Kenneth Weeks Isolated Burial

The isolated burial of American member of the French Foreign Legion during WWI in St Eloi, France.
Chateau Perreuse

Many thanks to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission who cooperated with us on this plaque replacement.
2ID Mont Blanc

Many thanks to the 2nd Division
Association for funding this renovation.LT Russel

Many thanks to Courville Patrimoine and the Russel family for making this renovation possible.
5th Division Vieville

Many thanks to the Contemporary
Lorraine Military History Association for renovating this monument.Issoudun Airbase

The 316th Infantry Regiment Memorial Fund managed by the New York Community Trust paid for this renovation.
American Friends of France

The largest freestanding sculpture in France is located in Meaux and was renovated as part of the new WWI museum project.
Ernest Stricker

American War Memorials Overseas paid the local funeral contractor to renovate
this gravesite.5th Division St Germain

Many thanks to Jean Marie and the
Souvenir Francais for their work on this project.