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B-24 'Bolicat' (41-29473) Crash Memorial

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The monument is located in the back of the alcove closest to the trees. 

The monument is a 1-1.5 meter tall sandstone monument with a black plaque on the front of it with gold text. Above the text is the insignia of the 8th Air Force, a bomber squadron of which crashed here.

This memorial commemorates the crashing of the 860th Bomber Squadron, 493rd Bomber Group's B-24 Bomber (41-29473), otherwise known as "Bolicat," on August 18, 1944. Of the 9 members of the squadron, 8 died in the crash. One crew member, TSGT Robert Allen remains were recovered in 2024 and he was buried in Roscrans National Cemetery, California.

Monument Text:

Ici le 18 Août 1944
Périrent 8 Jeunes
Aviateurs Américains
Pour Notre Liberté

English translation:

Here on August 18, 1944
Died 8 Young
American Aviators
For Our Freedom



Robert Allen

John G. Doyle

Raymond L. Gourlay

Norman C.  Grant

Raymond R. Guthrie

Glenn A. Guyer

John Conway Kehoe

Felix J. Shostak

George H. Washington


493rd Bomb Group (Heavy)

860th Bomber Squadron, 493rd Bomber Group

8th Air Force

United States Air Force
