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B-24 (41-29244) 'Double Trouble' Info Sign

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Behind the monument that represents one tail stabilizer of the Liberator.


A standing large round panel (rotatable, one side with English and the other side with Slovenian description) with a dark background, containing the history of the crash of the Liberator, a brief background profile, and the fate of the crew members. Pictures of them are also included in the panel as well as the aircraft. On the bottom part of the panel is the information about the memorial.

Monument Text:

English description:


Memorial dedicated to

the American crew of the bomber B-24H-CF 5

sr. No. 41-29244, Double Trouble

Cultural Heritage Memorial, EŠD 30178




During World War II Allied air forces achieved a historic turnaround with Operation Big Week, when they intensively bombed German and Austrian strategic points from February 20-26, 1944. The task of the 15th U.S. Air Force on February 25, 1944 was to bomb the ball-bearing and Messerschmitt aircraft factories in Regensburg, Germany. As American planes flew over Trieste and Rijeka, they were attacked by German fighter planes.


In that attack the B-24H bomber Double Trouble, serial number 41-29244, was hit and the plane caught on fire. The pilot ordered the crew to bail out, while trying to land the plane and save those crew members, who he assumed might be still alive. Five crew members saved their lives by bailing out. The survived airmen were captured by the Logatec’s Nazi collaborators and later on taken over by the Germans. Two of the wounded were treated in Vrhnika and Ljubljana, then all five were taken to military prisoner-of-war camps for airmen in Germany, Poland and Lithuania. They survived the war, returned home to the United States, and started their families and careers.


The gunners Varga, McCord and Scafidi, were most likely dead already after the first attack of German fighters. Pilot Pries and tail gunner Tokarski, who shot down one of the three attackers, most likely died when the plane crashed on the ground.


The bodies of the five dead airmen were robbed and stripped all the way down to the “blue bunny” – an electrically heated suit worn under at least three layers of clothes. It was not until seven days later that they were buried in the local cemetery in Dolenji Logatec, while in the meantime the locals were looting the plane. On October 23, 1946 the representatives of the American Graves Registration Service of US Army, excavated and transported the remains to an American military cemetery in Belgrade. At the end of 1947 and early 1948 identification procedures were carried out and, after the identification confirmation, they sealed the coffins with the remains and sent them to the American military cemetery in Nettuno, Italy, where they waited for the decisions of their relatives. Only then did the relatives find out about their fate.






Left column:


Frank R. Gerrity

Co-pilot, Second Lieutenant, Pittston, Pennsylvania, (7/1/1920 - 4/19/2009)


Frank Raymond Gerrity completed a law school and joined the FBI. His work influenced an amendment to the Missing Persons Act. While fighting the orgnaized crime, he worked on high-profile cases as the Weinberger’s. The case involved the kidnapping of an one-month old baby from a middle-class suburban family. The case echoed throughout America and struck fear in the hearts of average Americans. People started locking their doors and Americans lost their sense of security. During his time of service with the bureau he earned numerous commendations and special recognitions for his work from FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. After retiring from the FBI he served as president of investigating agency Intercon in Manhattan. He was married to Margaret S. Dunton. They had daughters Eileen and Meg.


James W. Cottrell

Navigator, Second Lieutenant, Louisville, Kentucky, (6/18/1921 - 1/5/1994)


When bailing out of the bomber, the propeller almost entirely cut off James Wilburn Cottrell’s foot, so he spent the entire POW time in Bavarian prisoner hospital. A German doctor amputated it, so he wore a prosthesis for the rest of his life. When he returned to USA, he weighted only 79 pounds and was hospitalized for another 4,5 years. While recovering in hospitals, he finished college and became a personnel manager. He married Mary Patricia “Pat” Ryan and they had four children: Karen, Janice, Michael and Susan.


George A. Evens

Bombardier, Second Lieutenant, Hadley, New York, (10/4/1918 - 7/4/2000)


George Albert Evens was a member of the crew of the B-24 bomber Honey Child, sr. No. 41-29220. He was assigned at the last minute to fill in for Double Trouble’s bombardier, Harry E. Taylor, who remained on the ground because of frostbite from their previous mission. After the war Evens worked in the insurance business, was elected to the Lake Luzerne Town Board as Town Justice and served for 33 years. He also was active as a volunteer firefighter. As a member of the Lions Club International he was involved in many community service projects. He married Beatrice Gaskill. They had daughters Sally and Kathleen and a son George.


Harold Koslow

Upper turret gunner, engineer, Sergeant, Dorchester, Massachusetts, (5/29/1913 - 1/12/1966)


Harold Koslow was the oldest Double Trouble crewmember, so they called him Pops and Pappy. In 1937 he married Annie Glickman. During the war, in 1943, their son Barry was born, and after the war, a son, Edward. Before the war Harold and his brother had a gasoline station, automobile repair shop and a small used automobile lot. His expertise in the area of car and truck repairs helped him to become expert also for planes and avio engineer. After the war Harold returned to work as an automotive mechanic and became very active in the Jewish War Veterans Organization. While a POW during WWII he was part of the March of Death across Germany. As a result of the deprivations he endured, his heart was so weakened that he passed away at the age of 52.


Don T. Abernathy

Nose gunner, Sergeant, Coker Creek, Tennessee, (1/2/1922 - 10/15/2013)


Don Thomas Abernathy also survived the infamous 86 day and 600 mile long March of Death during his captivity. When they had to go on the March, he managed to escape twice. At first he was recaptured but his second attempt at escape was successful. Even before that, in the prison camp, he tried everything to escape. Along with some of the other prisoners, including Harold Koslow, he dug a tunnel, but was unsuccessful. After the war he married Fay Ball, with whom he had a daughter Ramona Fay and a son David Don. He worked as a Research Machinist for a company whose laboratories produced enriched uranium. As the last living member of the crew, he left this world on October 15, 2013.




Right column:


Edwin H. (Heine) Pries

Pilot, Second Lieutenant, Waverly, Iowa, (11/17/1918 - 2/25/1944)


Edwin Heine Pries operated a trucking business. When enlisted, he wanted to become an aviation mechanic, but the Army educated him for a pilot due to his talent. He lost his life in the plane crash after he did his best to save his crew. His body was not burnt, but was robbed off of his clothes and jewelry. He wore his pilot’s ring that he got when graduated for a pilot and had his name engraved on it. Edwin’s mother asked the US Army for her son’s pilot’s ring. In 1951 an Air Attaché to the American Embassy in Argentina located the ring at the Nazi collaborator who escaped from Logatec to Argentina. He would give the ring back to pilot’s mother, but only if she paid for it. Pilot Pries was buried with military honors in Harlington Cemetery in Waverly, on November 28, 1949.


Steve Varga

Lower turret gunner, Sergeant, Rosebush, Michigan, (6/30/1922 - 2/25/1944)


Steve Varga was the second of five children. The Varga family at first lived in East Chicago and when Steve was seven years old, moved to Rosebush, Michigan. His father called him Duxic, since he was always willing to help the others in need. Steve graduated from high school and got a job as a metalworker. He had a Harley Davidson motorcycle. The autopsy showed that his body was not burned, but it was badly damaged. Steve Varga had been laid to his final rest at an American military cemetery in Florence, on June 21, 1949, 9 days before his 27th birthday. Posthumously he was awarded the Air Medal and Purple Heart.


Joseph J. McCord (v sredini med bratoma)

Right waist gunner, radio operator, Sergeant, Washington, Indiana, (6/8/1924 - 2/25/1944)


Joseph J. McCord came from a big family, where from 4 brothers were sent to war. Two served in the Army Air Force, one in Marine Corps, and one in the Army. All three brothers survived the war. He completed a fouryear high school education. According to Human Resources Command, he was 6 feet (183 cm) tall and one of the tallest crewmembers. After the war, on May 21, 1949, his remains were buried in the American military cemetery in Florence, Italy. He was posthumously awarded the Air Medal and Purple Heart.


Salvatore P. Scafidi

Left waist gunner, Sergeant, Boston, Massachusetts, (7/23/1924 - 2/25/1944)


Salvatore Philiadelfin Scafidi was the youngest crewmember. His crew called him Rocco. After elementary school he completed another year in high school and worked as an apprentice. His parents were Italian immigrants and got divorced, which was a real rarity in those days. His mother got custody of his sister and brother, while Salvatore went to his father. He joined the army soon after his 18th birthday to avoid the family conflicts and possible prison. On July 27, 1949 he was laid to his final rest at the American Military Cemetery in Florence. He was posthumously awarded the Air Medal and Purple Heart. His family received those awards, his personal belongins and a flag from his coffin. They lent all these items to the Park of Military History in Pivka.


Thaddeus S. Tokarski

Tail gunner, Sergeant, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, (6/10/1922 - 2/25/1944)


Thaddeus Stanley Tokarski – Teddy was a loom fixer and as a hobby worked on his car and radio. He met the love of his life Eleanor in the neighborhood. They wanted to get married, but his mother thought they were too young, so they eloped and got married. His crewmembers called him Shorty. When their bomber got attacked by German fighters, it was him who fought back so furiously, that one fighter had to crashland shortly thereafter. He lost his life in the impact when the plane crashed. There was a hear-say that someone not only took of his wedding ring but also cut off his finger while doing that. His wife Eleanor decided to bury him on American soil. He was laid to his final rest on December 1, 1949 in Beverly, New Jersey.




The only known and ever published photograph of the bomber B-24H CF 5, sr. No. 41-29244, Double Trouble

(Source: Semenic, Raul. (2017). 41-29244. 4. edition, Logatec, self-published, pg. 96, 97)


On October 15, 2014, a memorial was erected to celebrate the memory of the American crew and the B-24H bomber that crashed near Logatec. The memorial was erected by award-winning author and researcher of Double Trouble’s fate, Raul Semenic. His wife, Renata Gutnik, helped him with logistics, while their friend Branko Rupnik secured the landowners permit of land usage. Six months later, on April 20, 2015 the Slovenian Ministry of Culture recognized the monument as so special and important that it deserved to become a Cultural Heritage. They enrolled it in the Register of Cultural Heritage of Republic of Slovenia under record number 30178.


On June 9, 2017, the permanent exhibition “To Hell and Back” was opened in the Park of Military History Pivka. It is dedicated to 142 American airplanes that crashed on Slovenian soil during World War II. An important part of the exhibition is focused to the Double Trouble crew and its fate. There are smaller plane fragments on display, but the most valuable, in addition to the personal items of the shooter Salvatore Scafidi, is the military training material of the bombardier George Evens and his personal notes from the time of his bombardier training.



Information board set on: 8/20/2020

Partially funded by Municipality of Logatec






Slovenian description:



Spomenik v spomin

ameriški posadki bombnika B-24H-CF 5

sr. št. 41-29244, Double Trouble

Spomenik kulturne dedišcine, EŠD 30178




Zavezniške letalske sile so zgodovinski preobrat v poteku 2. svetovne vojne dosegle z operacijo Big week, ko so od 20. do 26. februarja 1944 intenzivno bombardirale nemške in avstrijske strateške tocke. 25. februarja 1944 je bila naloga 15. zracne sile ameriškega letalstva bombardirati tovarne kroglicnih ležajev in proizvodnje letal Messerschmitt v nemškem Regensburgu. Ko so ameriška letala preletela Trst in Reko, so jih pricela napadati nemška lovska letala.


Takrat je bil napaden tudi bombnik B-24H Double Trouble, s serijsko št. 41-29244, pri cemer je letalo zajel

ogenj. Pilot je ukazal posadki izskociti, sam pa je poskušal z letalom pristati ter tako rešiti tiste clane, za katere je menil, da so morebiti še živi.


Z izskokom se je rešilo pet clanov posadke. Preživele letalce so zajeli logaški domobranci, iz njihovih rok pa so jih prevzeli Nemci. Dva ranjena so oskrbeli na Vrhniki in v Ljubljani, nato so vseh pet prepeljali v vojaška ujetniška taborišca za letalce v Nemcijo, Poljsko in Litvo. Vojno so preživeli, se vrnili domov v ZDA in si ustvarili družine ter kariere.


Strelci Varga, McCord in Scafidi, so bili najverjetneje mrtvi že po prvem napadu nemških lovcev. Pilot Pries in repni strelec Tokarski, ki je sestrelil enega od treh napadalcev, sta predvidoma umrla ob udarcu letala ob tla.


Trupla petih umrlih letalcev so bila oropana in slecena do grelnega kombinezona. Šele cez sedem dni so jih pokopali na dolnje-logaškem pokopališcu, medtem casom pa plenili letalo. 23. oktobra 1946 so predstavniki ameriške vojske trupla odkopali in jih prepeljali na Ameriško vojaško pokopališce v Beograd. Konec 1947 in v zacetku 1948 so izvedli postopke identifikacije in krste s posmrtnimi ostanki zapecatili ter jih preselili na ameriško vojaško pokopališce v italijanski Nettuno, kjer so pocakale na odlocitve svojcev. Šele takrat so svojci izvedeli za njihovo usodo.




Frank R. Gerrity

Kopilot, podporocnik, Pittston, Pennsylvania, (1. 7. 1920 - 19. 4. 2009)


Frank Raymond Gerrity je doštudiral pravo in se zaposlil pri FBI. Njegova kariera je bila precej odmevna, saj je njegovo delo vplivalo na spremembe zakonov. Ob preprecevanju organiziranega kriminala je med drugim raziskal tudi ugrabitev enomesecnega dojencka iz podeželske družine srednjega razreda. Primer je po celotni Ameriki prestrašil ne samo premožne, ampak vse sloje. Takrat so zaceli ljudje zaklepati vrata. Zaradi svojega uspešnega dela je Gerrity s strani direktorja FBI Edgarja Hooverja prejel številne pohvale in posebna priznanja. Po upokojitvi iz FBI postal predsednik detektivske agencije Intercon na Manhattnu. Porocen je bil z Margaret S. Dunton. Rodili sta se jima hceri Eileen in Meg.


James W. Cottrell

Navigator, podporocnik, Louisville, Kentucky (18. 6. 1921 - 5. 1.1994)


Jamesu Wilburnu Cottrellu je propeler pri izskoku iz bombnika skorajda v celoti odsekal stopalo, zato je leto in pol vojnega ujetništva preživel v vojaški bolnišnici na Bavarskem. Tam so mu stopalo odrezali, zato je preostanek življenja uporabljal protezo. Iz vojne se je vrnil težak samo 36 kg in bil hospitaliziran še nadaljnja štiri leta in pol. V casu zdravljenja je zakljucil fakulteto in postal karierni in osebni manager. Kljub protezi je še vedno igral golf in živel normalno življenje. Porocil se je z Marry Patricio »Pat« Ryan, s katero sta imela štiri otroke: Karen, Janice, Michaela in Susan.


George A. Evens

Bombarder, podporocnik, Hadley, New York, (4. 10. 1918 - 4. 7. 2000)


George Albert Evens je bil sicer clan posadke Honey Child, št. 41-29220, a je za to misijo nadomestil originalnega bombarderja Harrya E. Taylorja, ki je na predhodni misiji dobil mocne ozebline. Po izskoku iz gorecega letala je pristal na strehi hladilnice hotela Kramar. Po vojni se je posvetil zavarovalništvu, postal okrožni guverner Hadley Luzerne Lions kluba in 33 let sodeloval v mnogih domacih in mednarodnih projektih. Izvoljen je bil v mestni pravosodni odbor ter za kraj skrbel tudi kot aktiven prostovoljni gasilec. V zakonu z ženo Beatrice Gaskill imata hceri Sally in Kathleen ter sina George.


Harold Koslow

Strelec zgornje kupole, inženir, narednik, Dorchester, Massachusetts, (29. 5. 1913 - 12. 1. 1966)


Harold Koslow, je bil najstarejši clan posadke, zato so ga klicali Pops ali Pappy. Leta 1937 se je porocil z Annie Glickman. Med vojno, leta 1943, se jima je rodil sin Barry, po vojni pa še sin Edward. Pred vojno sta z bratom vodila bencinski servis, avtomehanicno delavnico ter prodajalno rabljenih avtomobilov. Avtomehanicno znanje in izkušnje so bile podlaga, da je postal tudi poznavalec letal ter letalski inženir. Po vojni se je vrnil v avtomehanicne vode in postal zelo aktiven clan Židovske veteranske organizacije. Zaradi Marša smrti - izredno težke preizkušnje v taborišcu, je njegovo srce tako oslabelo, da je po vec kapeh preminil star komaj 52 let.


Don T. Abernathy

Nosni strelec, narednik, Coker Creek, Tennessee, (2. 1. 1922 - 15. 10. 2013)


Tudi Don Thomas Abernathy je v casu ujetništva preživel zloglasni Marš smrti, ki je trajal 86 dni in obsegal 966 km. Med maršem je dvakrat celo pobegnil, še prej v taborišcu pa z ostalimi ujetniki kopal tunel (neuspešno). Po vojni se je porocil s Fay Ball, s katero sta imela hci Ramono Fay in sina Davida Dona. Delal je v podjetju, kjer so bogatili uran. S pomocjo hcere je nekaj let pred smrtjo napisal svoje vojne spomine v delu z naslovom »From prisoner of war to prisoner of Grace«, v katerem pojasni, da mu je skozi tiste težke case zelo pomagala vera. Kot zadnji clan posadke je ta svet zapustil 15. oktobra 2013.


Edwin H. (Heine) Pries

Pilot, podporocnik, Waverly, Iowa, (17. 11. 1918 - 25. 2. 1944)


Edwin Heine Pries je bil pred vojno voznik tovornjaka. V vojski je želel postati letalski mehanik, a so ga zaradi nadarjenosti izšolali za pilota. Življenje je izgubil ob udarcu letala ob tla, ko je poskušal rešiti svojo posadko. Njegovo truplo ni bilo ožgano, je bilo pa oropano oblacil in nakita. Nosil je pilotski prstan z vgraviranim lastnim imenom, ki ga je prejel, ko je postal pilot. Njegova mati je ameriško vojsko prosila, da najde sinov prstan in ji ga vrne. Leta 1951 ga je ameriški vojaški ataše v Argentini našel in zahteval nazaj od prebeglega logaškega domobranca. Ta bi materi prstan vrnil, a samo, ce bi mu ga placala. Pilota Priesa so z vojaškimi castmi k zadnjemu pocitku položili 28. novembra 1949 na domacem pokopališcu v Waverlyju.


Steve Varga

Strelec spodnje kupole, narednik, Rosebush, Michigan, (30. 6. 1922 - 25. 2. 1944) Steve Varga se je rodil kot drugi od petih otrok. Najprej so živeli v Vzhodnem Chicagu, ko je bil Steve star sedem let, so se preselili v Rosebush, Michigan. Njegov oce ga je klical Duxic, ker je vedno rad vsem priskocil na pomoc. Dokoncal je štiriletno srednjo šolo in delal v kovinarstvu. Rad je imel svoj motor Harley-Davidson. V obdukciji je bilo ugotovljeno, da njegovo telo ni bilo ožgano, je pa bilo zelo poškodovano. Steva Vargo so k zadnjemu pocitku na ameriškem vojaškem pokopališcu v Firencah položili 21. junija 1949. Posthumno je bil odlikovan z Air Medal in Purple Heart.


Joseph J. McCord (v sredini med bratoma)

Strelec v trupu desno, radio operater, narednik, Washington, Indiana, (8. 6. 1924 - 25. 2. 1944)


Joseph J. McCord izhaja iz velike družine, iz katere so bili kar štirje bratje poslani v vojno. V letalstvu sta služila dva, po eden pa v kopenski vojski in pri marincih. Bratje so vojno preživeli. Joseph je zakljucil štiriletno srednješolsko izobraževanje in se decembra 1942 javil za letalca. Po uradnih podatkih je bil po velikosti (183 cm) eden izmed višjih clanov te posadke. 21. maja 1949, so njegove posmrtne ostanke pokopali na ameriškem vojaškem pokopališcu v Firencah. Posthumno je bil odlikovan z Air Medal in Purple Heart.


Salvatore P. Scafidi

Strelec v trupu levo, narednik, Boston, Massachusetts, (23. 7. 1924 - 25. 2. 1944)


Salvatore Philiadelfin Scafidi je bil najmlajši clan posadke. Klicali so ga Rocco. Po osnovni šoli je dokoncal še letnik srednje šole in zatem delal kot vajenec. Njegova starša sta bila italijanska priseljenca in sta se kmalu locila, kar je bila takrat velika redkost. Njegova sestra in brat sta bila dodeljene materi, on pa ocetu. V vojsko se je javil kmalu po polnoletnosti, da se je izognil družinskim sporom in tudi grozecemu zaporu. 27. julija 1949 so ga k vecnemu pocitku položili na ameriškem vojaškem pokopališcu v Firencah. Njegova družina poseduje njegovo posthumno priznanje Purple Heart, njegove osebne stvari in zastavo z njegove krste. Vecino predmetov so posodili Parku vojaške zgodovine v Pivki.


Thaddeus S. Tokarski

Repni strelec, narednik, Philadelphia, Pensilvanija, (10. 6. 1922 - 25. 2. 1944)


Thaddeus Stanley Tokarski – Teddy je poklicno postavljal statve, ljubiteljsko pa popravljal avtomobile in radie. Ljubezen svojega življenja Eleanor je spoznal v soseski. Ker je njegova mati menila, da sta premlada za poroko, sta pobegnila in se naskrivaj porocila. Letalci so ga klicali Shorty. Ko so njihov bombnik napadli nemški lovci, je prav on tako zavzeto streljal nanje, da je enega sestrelil. Sam je izgubil življenje ob udarcu letala na tla. Ob kraji njegovega porocnega prstana naj bi mu prst celo odrezali. Njegovo krsto so na željo žene prepeljali v ZDA, kjer so ga 1. decembra 1949 pokopali v Beverlyu v New Jerseyu.




Edina ohranjena fotografija bombnika B-24H CF 5, sr. št. 41-29244, Double Trouble

(Vir: Semenic, Raul. (2016). 41-29244. 3. izdaja, Logatec, samozaložba, str. 96, 97)


15. oktobra 2014 je Raul Semenic, nagrajeni avtor in raziskovalec usode letala, v cast in spomin posadki in letalu, v bližini strmoglavljenja postavil spomenik. Logisticno mu je pomagala žena Renata Gutnik, prijatelj Branko Rupnik pa je pridobil soglasje lastnika zemljišca. Ministrstvo za kulturo je spomenik prepoznalo kot tako posebnega in pomembnega, da ga je že cez pol leta, 20. aprila 2015, razglasilo za kulturno dedišcino in ga v register kulturne dedišcine vpisalo pod evidencno številko 30178.


9. junija 2017 je bila v Parku vojaške zgodovine Pivka odprta stalna razstava z naslovom “Do pekla in nazaj”, posvecena 142. ameriškim letalom, ki so med 2. svetovno vojno padla na slovenska tla. Pomemben del razstave je namenjen posadki letala Double Trouble. Na ogled so postavljeni manjši delci letala, najvecjo posebnost pa, poleg osebnih predmetov strelca Salvatoreja Scafidija, predstavlja vojaško ucno gradivo bombarderja Georga Evensa in njegovi zapiski iz casa, ko so ga ucili za bombarderja.



Postavljeno: 20. 8. 2020

Sofinancirala: Obcina Logatec



Don Thomas Abernathy

James W. Cottrell

George A. Evens

Frank R. Gerrity

Harold  Koslow

Joseph J. McCord

Edwin Heine Pries

Salvadore P. Scafidi

Thaddeus S. Tokarski

Steve Varga


15th Air Force

451st Bomb Group, Heavy

49th Bomb Wing

725th Bomb Squadron

US Army Air Corps



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