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SSgt William C. Notley Panel -35th Infantry Division

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On the west side of the road.


A white rectangular panel in the name of Staff Sergeant William Notley of the 35th Infantry Division for his role in the liberation of Guilberville on August 1, 1944. The panel was inaugurated in July 2008 and was written in French.


On July 31, 1944, the 35th Infantry Division entered Torigni-sur-Vire. The 320th Infantry Regiment, led by Colonel Bernard Byrne, advanced westward, while the 23rd Infantry Regiment under Lieutenant Colonel Jay Loveless moved forward from the left flank, supported by tanks from the 741st Tank Battalion. Their progress encountered heavy German resistance, particularly near Guilberville, where multiple American tanks were lost.


By August 1, the German paratroopers defending Guilberville, realizing they were at risk of being encircled, withdrew from the village. This allowed the 35th Infantry Division to take control of the area, furthering the Allied advance across Normandy. 

Source of information:

Source ofémorial Charles SHAY

Monument Text:


La commune de Guilberville

a décidé de donner à cet espace de promenade et de liberté

le nom de

William NOTLEY

vétéran américain de la 35ème Santa Fé

ayant combattu pour la libération de notre commune



English Translation: 


The commune of Guilberville

has decided to give this space for walking and freedom

the name of

William NOTLEY

American veteran of the 35th Division 'Santa Fe'

who fought for the liberation of our town



William  Notley


320th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division

35th Infantry Division

United States Army




Normandy Invasion