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La Lande Information Board

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Next to Bill Tucker’s monument.


A standing information board, set in a metal frame and supported by two metal poles, reflecting on the close call experienced by Bill Tucker and his squad during World War II. It contrasts their survival with the tragic loss of their comrades in the first squad, who were ambushed and killed by a German sniper. The passage here highlights Tucker’s deep sense of gratitude and remembrance, noting that he might have been among the casualties had he not changed squadrons. His later efforts to honor his fallen comrades, including the creation of a memorial, underline his enduring respect and commitment to preserving the memory of those who fought alongside him.

Source of photos:

Monument Text:

First Column:


Le 8 juin 1944, en fin de matinée, la

compagnie I du 505e PIR commandée par le

lieutenant VANDEVEGT arrive a Fresville. Après

deux jours de durs combats à Sainte Mère Eglise,

puis Neuville au Plain, ses hommes s'arrêtent à la

ferme Guillemette et dans le parc du château de

Tamerville, là où sera tué le 11 juin l'aumônier

RAYMOND L HANSSEN- 8éme Régiment, 4éme

Division d'infanterie.



Late in the morning on June 8, 1944, the

First Company of the 505th P.I.R., commanded by

Lieutenant Vandevegt reached Fresville. After

having fought two days of heavy combat at Sainte

Mere Eglise, then at Neuville au Plain, these men

stopped at the Guillemette farm and in the park of

the Tamerville Château. There, on June 11, 1944,

the chaplain, Raymond J. Hanssen, 8th Regiment,

4th Infantry Division, was killed.




Second Column:


Après la guerre, Bill Tucker devenu avocat à Boston,

membre éminent de l'Administration Kennedy et Président

Fondateur du C-47 Club est revenu â maintes reprises sur les

lieux avec toujours en tète cette pensée, qu'il aurait dû être

l'un d'entre eux s'il n'avait changé d'escouade juste avant de

quitter l'Angleterre.



After the war, Bill Tucker became a lawyer in Boston, was an 

important member of the Kennedy administration and was 

instrumental in the founding of the C-47 Club. He returned many 

times to these battle sites always with this thought: that he could have been among the casualties that day if he had not changed squadrons just before leaving England. 


Il est à l'initiative de ce monument érigé par le C47-Club à la mémoire de ses camarades tués au combat, avéc le concoûrs des élus et des habitants de Fresville 


Bill Tucker conceived this monument, erected by the C-47 Club, as a memorial to his comrades killed in combat, with the advice and consent of the elected officials and the residents of Fresville. 



Third Column:



Un plan d'attaque est planifié pour éliminer un

important contingent ennemi, retranché dans le secteur de la

voie ferrée et de la gare du hameau de Grainville. A mi-

chemin, les deux escouades se séparent. La première

escouade avec le sergent SANDEFUR et ses six hommes

marchant en file indienne sur la route est fauchée par un tireur

allemand embusqué à l'endroit même du monument qui leur

rend hommage. La seconde escouade dont faisait partie BILL

TUCKER avance à couvert derrière les haies et réussit à

échapper à cette même fin tragique.



A plan of attack was prepared to dislodge the enemy

soldiers who had taken refuge along the railway line and in the

station at Grainville. Halfway there the two squads separated.

The first squad, including Sargent Sandefur with six men

marching single-file on the road, was mowed down by a

German sniper lying in ambush at the same spot where now

stands a monument in their honor. The second squad,

including Bill Tucker, advanced using the hedges for cover.

Thus they escaped the tragedy encountered by the first squad.



Raymond J. Hansen

Felix Clifton Sandefur

William Humphrey Tucker


4th Infantry Division

505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne

82nd Airborne Division

8th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division

United States Army




Normandy Invasion

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