B-17 (42-31097) 'Mission Belle' Memorial
On the north side of the road.
The three columns to which the plane is attached are made of black marble. The jagged top of the columns symbolizes that the lives of three crew members were cut short. On each of these three columns is a photograph of one of the three crew members who perished. Stretching in front of the memorial, the crib where the B-17G eventually came down is visible through the memorial. To reflect the crib in the design, the memorial is finished at the bottom with basalt boulders. Four information panels can be read in front of the monument.
The memorial remembers the crew of B-17G 'Mission Belle' (42-31097) of the 535th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, crashed at this location into the River Lek on December 1, 1943.
Source of information: nl.wikipedia.org
Monument Text:
On the monument:
B-17G |
1 DEC 1943 |
1st information panel:
Logo en teken 381e Bombardment Group
_______________________ Logo and marker 381st Bombardment Group |
Logo 535e Squadron
_______________________ Logo 535th Squadron |
Toestellen van het 535e Squadron van de 381e Bombardment Group, waartoe ook de Mission Belle behoorde ______________________________ Planes of the 535th Squadron of the 381st Bombardment Group, where the Mission Belle was a part of.
Op 1 december 1943, rond 13:30 uur crashte de B-17G, 'Mission Belle' genaamd, op deze locatie in de rivier Lek. Na een missie boven Leverkusen, Duitsland, kwam het toestel op de terugweg naar Ridgewell, Engeland, regelmatig hevig onder vuur te liggen van luchtafweergeschut en Duitse jachtvliegtuigen, waarbij de staartschutter sneuvelde. Eenmaal boven Nederland was het toestel inmiddels zwaar beschadigd en draaiden enkele motoren niet meer. Het was de piloot duidelijk dat ze Engeland niet meer zouden kunnen haien. Beslist werd daarom om een noodlanding in de rivier te maken, waardoor de kans op overleven een stuk vergroot werd. Eenmaal in het water, bij de krib, wisten negen bemanningsieden zich uit het snel zinkende toestel te bevrijden. De piloot en buikschutter, beiden zwaar gewond, verdronken. De overige zeven verbleven tot het einde van de oorlog in Duitse krijgsgevangenenkampen.
At 13:30 on December 1st, 1943, the B-17G, named 'Mission Belle', crashed at this location into the River Lek. After a mission over Leverkusen, Germany, the plane came on the way back to Ridgewell, England, regularly under fire by anti-aircraft guns and German fighter planes, whereby the tail gunner was killed. Once over Holland, the plane was severely damaged, some engines didn't work anymore. It was very clear to the pilot that they couldn't reach England anymore. They decided to make an emergency landing into the water to increase the chance of survival. Once in the river, near this jetty, nine crew members could escape the fast sinking plane. The pilot and belly gunner, both of them badly injured, drowned. The other seven stayed in two different German prisoner-of-war camps for the rest of the war.
2nd information panel:
Harland V. Sunde |
James W. Sweany |
Roger G. Christensen |
Flight Officer Piloot
14 September 1921 01 December 1943 Minneapolis, Minnesota __________________
Flight Officer Pilot
September 14th, 1921 December 1st, 1943 Minneapolis, Minnesota |
Luitenant 2e klasse Copiloot
02 Januari 1923 24 Maart 2011 San Pedro, California __________________
Lieutenant 2nd class Co-Pilot
January 2nd, 1923 March 24th, 2011 San Pedro, California
Lieutenant 2e klasse Navigator/ Schutter links en rechts van de neus
05 Maart 1920 02 oktober 1990 Marne, Iowa __________________
Lieutenant 2nd class Navigator / Gunner left and right side of the nose
March 5th, 1920 October 2nd, 1990 Marne, Iowa |
O. D. Tully |
William P. England |
Luitenant 2e klasse Bommenrichter / Schutter neuskoepel
12 Augustus 1921 20 Maart 2001 Guntersville, Alabama __________________
Lieutenant 2nd class Bombardier / Gunner at the tip of the nose
August 12th, 1921 March 20th, 2001 Guntersville, Alabama |
Staf-Sergeant Boordwerktuigkundige/ Schutter koepel op dak
15 november 1910 21 Februari 1958 Greenville, Texas __________________
Staff-Sergeant Engineer / Gunner top turret
November 15th, 1910 February 21st, 1958 Greenville, Texas |
3rd information panel:
Claudio S. Carano |
Carlton A. Josephson |
Charles J. Culver |
Sergeant Marconist / Schutter dak
11 Maart 1920 18 Augustus 1996 Kings County (Brooklyn), New York __________________
Sergeant Radio-Operator / Gunner at roof
March 11th, 1920 August 18th, 1996 King County (Brooklyn), New York |
Sergeant Schutter linkerflank
15 April 1918 19 Maart 2001 New Britain, Connecticut __________________
Sergeant Gunner left waist
April 15th, 1918 March 19th, 2001 New Britain, Connecticut |
Lieutenant 2e klasse Navigator/ Schutter links en rechts van de neus
Sergeant Schutter rechterflank
29 Oktober 1923 29 September 1983 Henderson, Kentucky __________________
Sergeant Gunner right waist
October 29th, 1923 September 29th, 1983 Henderson, Kentucky |
Doyle C. McCutchen |
John A. Healy |
Sergeant Schutter buikkoepel
07 September 1921 01 December 1943 Western Grove, Arkansas __________________
Sergeant Gunner ball turret
September 7th, 1921 December 1st, 1943 Western Grove, Arkansas |
Sergeant Staartschutter
11 April 1914 01 December 1943 Kings County (Brooklyn), New York __________________
Sergeant Tail Gunner
April 11th, 1914 December 1st, 1943 Kings County (Brooklyn), New York |
4th information panel:
Mission Belle
Op 18 februari 1946 werden de stoffelijke resten van Harland V. Sunde en Doyle C. McCutchen naar de Amerikaanse erebegraafplaats in Margraten overgebracht. Het lichaam van John A. Healy werd pas tijdens de berging van het toestel op 26 juli 1955 gevonden, waarna hij werd bijgezet op de Amerikaanse erebegraafplaats in Neuville-en-Condroz, België.
On February 18th, 1946, the remains of Harland V. Sunde and Doyle C. McCutchen were brought to the American Cemetery and Memorial in Margraten. The remains of John A. Healy were found during the salvage of the plane on July 26th, 1955. He was brought to the Ardennes American Cemetery in Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium.
Berging van de Mission Belle / Salvage of the Mission Belle
Bij de berging op 26 juli 1955, van de 'Mission Belle', werd het toestel naar het gemeentelijke haventje in Lekkerkerk, aan de overkant van de Lek gebracht. Na het verwijderen van alle wapens en munitie werden de wrakresten afgevoerd en verschroot. Op de achtergrond van de foto ziet u de watertoren van Nieuw-Lekkerland, 1 kilometer ten westen van de crashlocatie.
During the salvage of the 'Mission Belle' on July 26th, 1955, all the parts of the wreckage were brought to the small municipal harbor in Lekkerkerk, across the River Lek. After taking away all the weapons and ammunition, the rest of the wreckage was removed and scrapped. In the photo you can see the water tower of Nieuw-Lekkerland in the background, one kilometer west of the crash location. |
381st Bomber Group (Heavy)
535th Bomber Squadron, 381st Bomber Group, Heavy
8th Air Force
US Army Air Corps
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