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The Rescue of 1Lt William H. Banks and 2Lt James Jim Robinson Plaque

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Mounted on the left pillar of the entrance gate.


A rectangular plaque with a black background containing information about the rescue of the two aviators by Doctor Lenormand and the Moliré family. Printed images on the top of the plaque are the US flag, the 9th Air Force insignia, and the flag of France. Also printed on the plaque are the photos of 1Lt Banks and 2Lt Robinson.

Source of photo: Jérôme Leblanc /

Monument Text:

En ce lieu, ont été hébergés et sauvés,

entre Juillet 1944 et Août 1944, les pilotes américains:


1st Lt. William

H. Banks

474th Fighter Group

429th Fighter Squadron

Survivant au Crash de son P-38

le 27 Juillet 1944, prés du Lieu-dit

Beausoleil, Sainte-Suzanne.

2nd Lt. James Jim


361st Fighter Group

374th Fighter Squadron

Survivant au crash de son P-51

sur la commune de

Saint-Denis-D-Orques (Sarthe)


Avec la bravoure et le courage du Docteur Lenormand domicilié ici,


Ainsi que de l'aide de la Famille Molirè,

domiciliée au Pâtis-Au-Chat, commune de

Saint-Denis-de-D'Orques (Sarthe)



Lest We Forget / N'oublions pas


English translation:


In this place, were housed and saved,

between July 1944 and August 1944, the American pilots:


1st Lt. William

H. Banks

474th Fighter Group

429th Fighter Squadron

P-38 Crash Survivor

on July 27, 1944, near the locality of

Beausoleil, Sainte-Suzanne.

2nd Lt. James Jim


361st Fighter Group

374th Fighter Squadron

Survivor of the crash of his P-51

in the municipality of

Saint-Denis-D-Orques (Sarthe)


With the bravery and courage of Doctor Lenormand, who lives here,


As well as the help of the Molirè Family,

living in Pâtis-Au-Chat, commune of

Saint-Denis-de-D'Orques (Sarthe



Lest We Forget / N'oublions pas



William Henry Banks

James Jim Robinson


361st Fighter Group

374th Fighter Squadron, 361st Fighter Group

429th Fighter Squadron, 474th Fighter Group

474th Fighter Group

8th Air Force

9th Air Force

US Army Air Corps
