Lone Pine Cemetery CWGC
This is the site of a WWI Commonwealth War Graves Commission(CWGC) cemetery that includes an Isolated Burial (ISOB) of an American who died while fighting with Australian forces during the Gallipoli campaign during WW1.
, 17900 , Eceabat , , , Turkey
Çanakkale Province in the Marmara region on the Gallipoli Penninsula. The Lone Pine Memorial is at the east end of Lone Pine Cemetery. The Anzac and Suvla cemeteries are first signposted from the left hand junction of the Eceabat - Bigali road. From this junction you should travel into the main Anzac area. At 7.6kms., take a right turn to Chunuk Bair and initially take the road to Kemalyeri. At 10.3kms, Lone Pine will be found on the left. Lone Pine Cemetery stand on the plateau at the top of Victoria Gully.
Map reference (click on pin to see Lat/Long):
40.23045 26.2873
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