Itoman- Okinawa
The site includes four memorials remembering US Army leaders who fell during the 1945 Battle of Okinawa (Operation Iceberg) during World War 2; there is also a memorial to Okinawan civilians who died during the battle.
615 Maezato , 901-0362 , Itoman, Okinawa , , Okinawa , Japan
The site is located on the Japanese Island of Okinawa in the city of Itoman. The city occupies the southern tip of Okinawa Island. The site is just off the road about 3 kilometers southeast of the central city Itoman, and it is known as the Memorial Monument for Lieutenant General Buckner.
Map reference (click on pin to see Lat/Long):
26.114640 127.680388 615 Maezato
Flag Poles :