Named on monument dedicated to the 36th Infantry Division in the English Garden, Vesoul, Haute-Saône, Franche-Comté (70) France. The Silver Star Citation sent to his father Alfred read as follows: "For gallantry in action on 12 September 1944 in France. Corporal Casaretti was a gunner in the mortar platoon of Company A. His platoon was in position on high ground to support a friendly force in attacking an important enemy stronghold. While firing on hostile troops in the town, Corporal Casaretti spotted a large group of enemy soldiers approaching stealthily through the brush within ten yards of the mortar positions. Although aware that, by exposing himself, he would become the target for hostile fire, he unhesitatingly jumped to his feet and shouted warning to his comrades. He then whirled and facing the onrushing enemy, started to open fire with his pistol. Before he could fire a shot, he was mortally wounded by bullets from a hostile machine pistol. However, his timely warning enabled his companions to repel the assault with heavy casualties to the enemy troops. His heroic and selfless sacrifice was a source of great inspiration to all the members of his unit. His gallant action reflects great credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of the United States."