F/O Norman H. Phillips, navigator of the B-24 41-29177 “Ginger”, took off from Bungay in Suffolk, UK on a bombing mission over the Farben chemical works in Ludwigshafen. Just after bombs away, the plane was hit by flak. One of the engines cut out, dropping the plane to 10000 feet. The crew set the plane on a course to avoid the nearby town of Schoeneck and bailed out, shot at by machine gun fire all the way down. Phillips was captured and sent to Stalag 7A in Moosburg, Bavaria (48-12).
Norman's working career included more than 30 years as a customer engineer for IBM after the war. He passed away on September 29, 2013 at the age of 90 at the Lewiston Veterans Home. His body was cremated and is buried at the Vineland Cemetery, Clarkston, Asotin County, Washington, USA.