2nd Lt Robert L. Duffy, pilot of the P-47 Thunderbolt 42-25705, took off from A-5 Chippelle on an armed reconnaissance mission over Coutances. While flying at about 1000', he was hit by ground fire. The cockpit was consumed by fire, and he bailed out, resulting in facial burns and leg injuries due to shrapnel. Despite the efforts of the citizens of Le Mesnilbus to protect him, he was taken prisoner by the German forces and sent to Stalag 7A in Moosburg, Bavaria. He was held there for the duration of the war and considered missing in action for several months. He was released from service following the war but was then recalled during the Korean conflict. He remained in the Air Force until his retirement from the military in the 1960s, after which he flew as a pilot for United Air Lines until 1985.