SSgt Alfred D. Held, left waist gunner of the B-17 42-29901, took off from station 117 Kimbolton, Cambridgeshire, UK on a bombing mission over Nantes’ bridges and airfields. The B17 was hit by an aerial bomb dropped by an FW190-A6 of 10/JG-2, flown by Fw. Alfred Geisthardt. It seems likely that this hit the foreward fuselage as none of the crew in this section survived, whilst most of the rear fuselage crew managed to get out before the aircraft crashed near Grand-Fougery. The attack took place at 7000m at 15.48, as recorded by the Fw190 gun camera. Held managed to bail out and was helped by French locals and the Resistance. However, he was captured by Germans on Christmas Eve. He was later deported to Stalag Luft 3 at Sagan-Silesia, Bavaria.