Edwin Orbison was born in 1918 in Oklahoma
From Air Museum Britain:
Joined RAFVR, service pilot training in US, shipped overseas to ETO aboard SS 'Duchess of Richmond' for Liverpool early July 40, OTU training, assigned to 71[Eagle] Sqn RAF.
Flying Hurricane V6983 during formation flying practice, had MAC with Hurricane V6636 of P/O Philip Howard Leckrone [KIFA], managed to land the damaged A/C. 5-1-41.
Killed a little over a month later, in the crash of his Hurricane on the 9-2-41. Hurricane V6983 went into a spin as the result of pilot disorientation while flying in cloud. KIFA.
NY Times Headline on Feb 16, 1941:AMERICAN IS KILLED FIGHTING THE NAZIS; Edwin E. Orbison Victim as the Eagle Squadron Enters Active Service Over Britain JOINED R.A.F. IN OTTAWA Oklahoman Buried in England, Told Parents He Was Doing 'Something I Like'