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Holzhausen Thomas Von

Thomas Von Holzhausen
First Lieutenant
Serial Number:
361st Fighter Squadron, 356th Fighter Group
Date of Death:
Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia
Section 34
Site 4340

Thomas Von Holzhausen was born on March 3, 1922. He was the son of John Von Holzhousen.

Thomas served in the 361st Fighter Squadron, 356th Fighter Group, as a First Lieutenant and Fighter Pilot during World War II. According to the official ‘Missing Air Crew Report’ of the 361st Fighter Squadron dated 23 February 1944; 2nd Lt. THOMAS VON HOLZHAUSEN was reported Missing In Action on of 21 February. Piloting a P-47 Thunderbolt (#42-74679), Lt. Von Holzhausen was flying in fourth position in Lt. Thomas F. Bailey’s ‘Molecoat Green’ section on a mission over Hannover, Germany. At approximately 1420 hours the squadron encountered a group of about fifteen enemy KE 109 fighters over the Steinhuder Lake region. The squadron turned steep to the right to engage two ME 109’s who detached from their group. Lt. Von Holzhausen was on Lt. Bailey’s wing wide and to the right as they made the turn and his P-47 disappeared from sight. He was not seen to have been hit or spin down, but his aircraft was no longer visible. He lost radio contact with the leader.

His Commanding Officer Major Emery H. Montgomery described Lt. Von Holzhausen as; “a level-headed, reliable pilot capable of taking care of himself. It is possible that his failure to return is due to fuel shortage because the other men of his section were very short – 25 to 30 gallons remaining when they landed.” Later air reconnaissance located his wreckage 1 km. south of Nessenkamp near Einbeckhausen, his plane was completely impaled in the ground. Lt. Thomas Von Holzhausen was declared Killed In Action. His remains were located after the war and he was buried with honors at Arlington National Cemetery in 1949.

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