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Niedzialek Stanley B.

Stanley B. Niedzialek
Serial Number:
745th Bomber Squadron, 456th Bomber Group
Date of Death:
New York
Cemetery of the Holy Rood, Westbury, Nassau County, New York

Stanley Niedzialek was born on March 21, 1923 and was from Nassau County, NY. He was the Tail Gunner on the B-24J “Lady Patricia” on November 6, 1944 when it crashed after a bombing mission
On November 6, 1944, B-24 “Lady Patricia” (42-51642) of the 745th Bomber Squadron, 456th Bomber Group Steed’s Flying Colts”, 15th Air Force flying from Stornara Air Base in Italy was on a mission to bomb enemy facilities in Munich, Germany. After the mission, the aircraft experienced engine trouble and the Pilot (2LT Doyle Smith) unsuccessfully looked for a safe landing site; after two engines failed and were aflame, he gave the order to abandon sip. The crew bailed out and the plane crashed on a mountainside near Malix , Switzerland. The crew survived and was interned in Switzerland until the end of the war. A memorial remembers “Lady Patricia” under the Dreibündenstein peak near Malix, Switzerland. (Reference Missing Aircraft Report {MACR} 9798).
The Crew of “Lady Patricia included:
Pilot: Doyle R. Smith, 2nd Lt Copilot: Bartolomeo Castelli, 1st Lt Navigator: Harlan D. Hatfield, F/O Bombardier: Charles C. Minor, 2nd Lt Nose Gunner: Robert E. Manning, Sgt Engineer: Fred T. Hoque, Sgt Ball Turret: Charles E. Ellsworth, Sgt Right Waist: Donald E. Piel, Sgt Left Waist: John O. Stevens, Sgt Tail Gunner: Stanley B. Niedzialek, Sgt Photographer: Edmond Vaubourg, Sgt

FROM FIND A GRAVE: NIEDZIALEK-Stanley, 96, of Albertson. Passed on September 26th. Most deeply beloved and sweetest husband of Rose and father of Teresa and Paul. Grandfather of five. Proud U.S. Air Force Staff Sergeant with three Bronze Stars and held as a POW.