Joseph Mergo was born on November 18, 1919 and was from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, He served as the Tail Gunner of a B-24. On December 17, 1943 B-24J (44-41016) piloted by 1LT Thomas West, flying out of Torretta, Italy as part of the 765th Bomber Squadron, 461st Bomber Group, 49th Bomber Wing, 15th Airforce, on a raid to bomb the Odertal Oil Refinery in Germany. The formation was attacked by enemy aircraft and shot down. The plane crashed near Troubky in the present-day Czech Republic. Six of the crew perished; 4 were able to parachute to safety and were captured. Mergo was killed in the crash. He was originally buried in the Troubky town cemetery but was repatriated to his present grave in 1951. The town of Troubky buried the downed airmen and remembered them in a beautiful grave/memorial in the town cemetery. The American Flag is flown over the grave every December 17 and July 4th.