B-24 Liberator (42-72873) 'Star Spangled Hell' Memorial
On the wall to the left of the town cemetery's main gate.
A grey stone plaque with gold lettering and crossed US-French flags on the top honoring US airmen.
Monument Text:
A la memoire
des officiers et sous-officiers
Americains morts pour notre liberte
John O. BROVEN (2nd Lt)
Roy C. GEHUE (2nd Lt)
Alfred C. EMERT (2nd Lt)
Jesse R. ELLIS (Sgt)
Harry L. SPARKS (S/Sgt)
Michael J. PRANZETELLI (Sgt)
William FRIEDKAS (S/Sgt)
L'avion qui rentrait d'une mission
de ravitaillement au maquis a ete abattu
a Trancrainville dans la nuit
du 4 au 5 juillet 1944.
English translation:
In memory
of the American officers and non-commissioned officers
who died for our liberty.
The plane was shot down over
Trancrainville after a resupply mission
to the local Resistance on the night
of 4th to 5th July 1944.
36th Bomber Squadron, 801st Bomb Group, Heavy
801st Bomber Group
8th Air Force
French Resistance
United States Air Force
Operation Carpetbagger
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