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Task Force Linden 'Operation Norwind' Plaque - 42nd Infantry Division

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On the outside concrete wall of the casemate. Plaque

A bronze plaque in memory of the 7th Army and French soldiers who well during Operation Northwind. Dedicated by the 42nd Division veterans in May 95. 

The plaque remembers the efforts of Task Force Linden commanded by BG Henning Linden composed primarily of the three 42nd Infantry "Rainbow" Division's 222nd, 232nd and 242nd Infantry Regiments, during the German Offensive "Operation Norwind" in January 1945.

Monument Text:

January 1945


In grateful memory of those

American 7th Army soldiers

and their French comrades

who fell defending freedom

during the "Northwind" attack,

Hitler's last great offensive.


Dedicated by the 42nd Rainbow Division veterans,

this 50th anniversary year,

in honor of TASK FORCE LINDEN.


May 1995.



Henning Linden


222nd Infantry Regiment, 42nd Infantry Division

232nd Infantry Regiment, 42nd Infantry Division

242nd Infantry Regiment

42nd (Rainbow) Division

42nd Infantry Division

7th Army

United States Army



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