SSG Deltieure plaque
On the outside wall of the town hall, to the left of the main entrance. Plaque A grey granite plaque with gold leaf text in French. Across the top of the plaque of the 3ID insignia, the French and American flags, and a picture of SSG Deltieure. The plaque was dedicated in 2006 in presence of his wife Josette and his son Claude. SSG Deltieure was seriously wounded near this spot by shrapnel, a piece of which could never be removed from his body and caused his premature death. The plaque was paid for by his family and mounted on the wall with permission of the municipality.
Monument Text:
A la mémoire
du Staff Sgt René P. DELTIEURE
7th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division
US Army
Blesse à Vervezelle le 21 Octobre 1944
Décède des suites de ses blessures
le 10 Septembre 1996
English translation:
In memory of Staff Sergeant Rene P. Deltieure, 7th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division, US Army, wounded in Vervezelle on 21 October 1944. He died because of his wounds on 10 September 1996.
7th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division
United States Army
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