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Battle at Parker's Crossroads - Unit plaque

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Facing the howitzer, the left-most monument. Monument

A rough slate stele holding a bronze plaque, honoring the units involved in the battle at the crossroads in Dec 44.  Text is in English, and the plaque features the unit insignias of the 82nd Airborne Division and 7th Armored Division.

Monument Text:

In memory of the brave soldiers of

D Troop, 87th Reconnaissance Squadron (Mech)

7th Armored Division

D Battery, 203rd Anti Aircraft Artillery Battalion

7th Armored Division

F Company, 325th Glider Infantry Regiment

82nd Airborne Division

Who defended this critical crossroads against overwhelming forces during the period 19-23 December 1944.

Their courageous defense against repeated attacks bought ilnvaluable time for the defense of the Ardennes.

Their bravery in fierce battle while heavily outnumbered continues to inspire their Allies and their countryman.




106th Infantry Division

203rd Antiaircraft Artillery AW

325th Glider Infantry Regiment

7th Armored Division

82nd Airborne Division

87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, 7th Armored Division

United States Army




Battle of the Bulge

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