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Gatens Howitzer - Parker's Crossroads

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In the center of the memorial park, on a 5-pointed star shaped concrete pad. Combat Vehicle

A WWII 105 mm howitzer which rests on the exact spot that Corporal John Gatens' Howitzer was placed during the battle for the crossroads in December1944.  Gatens was in A Battery, 589th Field Artillery Battalion, 106th Division, who fought through the area from 20-24 Dec.

In a letter of Major Parker, dated July 2, 1980, from Lieutenant General James M. Gavin, former commander of the 82nd Airborne Division, said, and I quote: "That stand your defenders made at the crossroads was one of the greatest actions of the war."
General Gavin should know.  The 5-day holding action by the 589th Field Artillery Battalion bought enough time for General Gavin to redeploy enough American forces to stop the German advance short of Liege in January 1945.

Monument Text:




John F. Jr. Gatens


106th Infantry Division

589th Field Artillery Battalion

United States Army




Battle of the Bulge