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Captain Cunningham Bells

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The bells are in the bell tower and the plaque is in the church. Commemorative Object

Dedicated on May 30, 1920, a special set of bells were given to the church in Thiaucourt in memory of Captain Oliver Baty Cunningham.  The church was rebuilt in 1918 after suffering significant damage.  A metal plaque inside the church states the bells dedication to the memory of Captain Cunningham.

Cunningham's mother went to live in Thiaucourt.  She financed the reconstruction of the church and the town hall of the village, and gave the cemetery where Captain Cunningham is buried a monument to the memory of all of the young American soldiers killed in the war.

Monument Text:

Les cloches de cette église

sont dédiées à la gloire de dieu

en souvenir

du Capitaine Oliver Baty Cunningham

15 D'Artillerie de Campagne 2 Division

Corps Expéditionnaire Américain

Qui donna sa vie

pour son pays et pour la France

Le Capitaine Cunningham

naquit à Chicago, Illinois

Etats-Unis d'Amérique

le 17 Septembre 1894

et fut tue sur le champ de bataille

prés de Jaulny, France

le 17 Septembre 1918

English Translation:

The bells of this church are dedicated to

the glory of God in remembering

Captain Oliver Baty Cunningham.

15th Artillery, 2nd Division of the

American Expeditionary Force

who gave his life for

his country and for France.

Captain Cunningham was born

in Chicago Illinois, USA,

September 17, 1894

and was killed on the battlefield

near Jaulny, France

on September 17, 1918.





Oliver Baty Cunningham


15th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Division

2nd Infantry Division

American Expeditionary Forces (AEF)

United States Army



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