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Elsenborn Ridge -Memorial Against Forgetting

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On the north east side of the intersection. Monument

A stone stele with plague honoring the memory of the American and German soldiers, as well as civilians, who were wounded or died in the Battle of the Bulge.

The "Memorial Against Forgetting" was erected where on the 17th of December, 1944 the front stood and stopped the German offensive and Camp Elsenborn was not conquered.  On the 16th of December at 5:30 in the morning, the German troops came from Udenbreth.  For the Americans this attack came absolutely unexpectedly. Between Wirtzfeld and Elsenborn a defensive line was built up - Roderhöhe. On this immense defensive line many soldiers lost their lives.

Monument Text:


Winter 1944-45
Dieses Mahnmal dient dem respektvollen Gedenken der nzahligen Toten und Verwundeten auf amerikanischer und deutscher Seite sowie den Zivilen Opfern der morderischen Ardennenschlacht

Elsenborn Ridge
Winter 1944-45
This monument serves as a respectful remembrance of the countless dead and wounded American and German Soldiers, as well as of the civilian victims of the murderous "Battle of the bulge"

Association des Musees de la Bataille des Ardennes
Lest We Forget



99th Infantry Division




Battle of the Bulge

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