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Past the Sherman Tank. Monument A granite stele and mounted plaque honoring General George S. Patton Jr. and his headquarters in Nehou where he prepared and commanded to victory.  A bronze plaque is mounted on the wall to the left of the stele honoring the veterans of the 2nd Armored Division.

Monument Text:

La Commune de Nehou a eu l'honneur

de recevoir un hôte prestigieux,

le General George S. Patton Jr.

Son quartier général était établi dans ce village,

ou il séjourna, au secret absolu, du 6 Juillet au 2 Aout 1944.

C'est de ce lieu, qu'il a prepare et commade

L’historique "Percée d'Avranches",

victoire décisive pour notre libération.


The municipality of Nehou had the honor

of welcoming a prestigious guest,

General George S. Patton Jr.

His command post was established in this village,

where he sejourned in complete secrecy, from 6 July to 2 August 1944.

From this site, he prepared and commanded

the historic "Avranches Breakthrough",

a decisive victory in our liberation.


Plaque to the left of monument:

Les Anciens

De La 2eme D.B.


English Translation:


of the 2nd Armored Division




George Smith Patton


2nd Armored Division

United States Army



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