B-17 44-8015 'Johnny Reb' Crewmen Monument
An upright stone monument bearing a rectangular plaque in the center commemorating the crew members of B-17 44-8015 "Johnny Reb" who perished or were taken as prisoners of war during its final mission on February 22, 1945. The monument was unveiled on November 4, 2011, and has been maintained by the American Legion's Neu-Ulm post. The plaque is written in German and English.
On February 22, 1945, the B-17G "Johnny Reb" (44-8015) was on its fourth mission, targeting the marshaling yards in Ulm, Germany. Previously damaged by flak and deemed unfit for flight, the aircraft had been patched up and sent on the mission regardless. While en route, it was initially hit by flak over Ansbach but continued toward its target. As the aircraft descended through heavy cloud cover, it encountered severe turbulence and the prop wash of another plane at approximately 17,000 feet. The pilot lowered the flaps to reduce airspeed, but this action caused the aircraft to break apart mid-air. Seven crew members perished, while three survived and were taken as prisoners of war.
Source of information: www.americanairmuseum.com
Source of photo: Doug Haggan, google map
Monument Text:
Versöhnung über den Gräbern
Reconciliation over the graves
An dieser Stelle stürzte ein Amerikanischer Bomber vomTyp B-17 Fliegende Festung am Donnerstag den 22.02.1945 ab. Die B-17 mit der Nr. 44-8015 „Johnny Reb“ startete in Deopham Green England und gehörte zur 452. Bomber Group 731. Squadron. Sie wurde beim Angriff auf Freiburg und Ulm von Deutscher Flak über Ulm getroffen, explodierte und stürzte hier in Pfaffenhofen ab. In der B-17 befanden sich zehn Besatzungsmitglieder. Sieben Soldaten starben beim Absturz und drei gingen noch in Kriegsgefangenschaft.
At this point an American B-17 “Flying Fortress bomber” crashed down on Thursday, February 22nd, 1945. This B-17 with the number 44-8015, named “Johnny Reb”, had started its last flight in Deopham Green, England and belonged to the 452nd Bomb Group, 731st Squadron. The aircraft took part on the attack on Freiburg and Ulm and was hit by a German anti-aircraft unit base in Ulm. “Johnny Reb” exploded and crashed down here in Pfaffenhofen. The bomber crew consisted of ten soldiers. Seven of them died in the crash and three went into captivity.
Diese vier Soldaten wurden in Frankreich „LORRAINE/Lothringen“ beerdigt
These four soldiers were buried in Lorraine, France
2nd/Lt. William T. Ermel, Pilot KIA
2nd/Lt. William F. Hoffman, Copilot KIA
F/O Clinton W. Ewen, Navigator KIA
Sgt. Deane P. Cleminson, Tail gunner KIA
Diese drei Soldaten wurden wahrscheinlich nach Amerika überführt
These three soldiers were probably transferred to the United States of America
Sgt. Warren L. Holt Bombardier, KIA USA
Sgt. George J. Benedict, Radioman KIA USA
Sgt. Sidney Mason, Engineer KIA
Diese drei wurden in Kriegsgefangenschaft
These three went into captivity
Sgt. Francis G. Adkins, W. Gunner POW, * 12.12.1919 ♱ 17.03.2001
S/Sgt. William L. Loring, Radar POW, * 08.05.1923 ♱ 19.05.1985
S/Sgt. James E. Moss, B. T. Gunner POW, * 08.10.1922 ♱ 16.10.1973
KIA - Killed in Action, Im Kampf gefallen; POW = Prisoner Of War, Kriegsgefangenschaft
Der Geist 1st stärker als das Schwert ✦ The spirit is stronger than the sword
Hermann Wöck
452nd Bombardment Group, Heavy
731st Bomber Squadron, 452nd Bomber Group, Heavy
US Army Air Corps
Operation Clarion
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