Camp Pontanézen WW1 Marker
On the fence just to the left of the police station entrance. Marker
A metal plaque with a description of the WW1 American Camp located here in 1917-1919.
Camp Pontanezen was an immense American debarkation center built around six stone barracks buildings erected by Napoleon I. It was located two miles north of Brest, which is on France's Peninsula of Finisterre. The depth and excellence of the Brest harbor caused it to be utilized far more extensively than any other French port for the arriving and departing troops of the AEF. In all, 791,000 men landed here in 1917 and 1918. The individual most credited the success of the 1,000 acre camp was a notable Marine and twice-Medal of Honor recipient named Brigadier General Smedley Butler.
The plaque was dedicated in 2018.
Source: Roads to the Great War Blog -The Duckboards of Camp Pontanezen
Monument Text:
The text is unclear in the Photo, but it describes what had been at this location during WW1.
American Expeditionary Forces (AEF)
United States Army
United States Navy
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