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Mounted on a stone pillar located to the left of the entrance gate.


A rectangular black plaque commemorating 1Lt Dominic Ternan, who was a chaplain of the 315th Infantry Regiment of the 79th Division died on June 19, 1944. The plaque is written in English and French. 


On June 19, 1944, during the invasion of Normandy, Ternan was near the Pont Tovès in Servigny, France. The 79th Infantry Division was advancing towards Cherbourg, a strategic port city. Amid the fierce fighting, Ternan was administering last rites to a wounded American soldier when he was struck by a German sniper. His death occurred shortly after the D-Day landings, during a phase of intense combat to secure the Cotentin Peninsula. Ternan played a critical role in providing spiritual support to soldiers during the Allied campaign to liberate France.

Source of photo:

Monument Text:

Le 1er Lieutenant Dominic TERNAN, aumônier du 

315ème Régiment d'infanterie 

de la 79ème division des États-Unis d'Amérique, 

a été tué près du Pont Tovès à Servigny, 

le 19 Juin 1944 par un sniper Allemand 

alors qu'il donnait les derniers sacrements à un soldat.



First Lieutenant Dominic TERNAN, chaplain of the 

315th Infantry Regiment 

of the 79th division of the United States Army, 

was killed near the bridge Tovés at Servigny, 

on the 19th of June 1944, by a German sniper 

while giving the last rites of the Church to a wounded soldier.




Dominic  Ternan


315th Infantry Regiment, 79th Division

79th Infantry Division

United States Army




Battle of Cherbourg