3rd Armored Division -Ranes Liberation Plaque
Mounted on the left side of the monument.
A rectangular black plaque containing a commemoration message that is written in French in white lettering. Also featured on the plaque is an image of a soldier and a tank in action.
Source of photos: Alexis Boban / www.aerosteles.net, www.ranes1944.org
Monument Text:
En hommage aux soldiers américains de la
Third Armored Division
commandés par le géneral Maurice Rose et tombés lors des
combats pour la libération de Rânes
13 au 16 août 1944
English translation:
In tribute to the American soldiers of the
Third Armored Division
commanded by General Maurice Rose and those who fell during the
fighting for the liberation of Rânes
August 13th to 16th 1944
3rd Armored Division
United States Army
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