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Norwegian Aviation Museum American Exhibit

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Inside the museum.

The exhibit includes an aircraft engine relic from SBD-5 Dauntless No. 19, a model of the aircraft on the side wall, and behind the engine is a wall with various pictures and a rectangular board that relates to Operation Leader in World War II. In Operation Leader, TBF "Avenger" and SBD "Dauntless" aircraft, escorted by F4F "Wildcats" from USS Ranger (CV-4) attacked convoys in the harbor of Bodo, Norway on October 4, 1943. The aircraft sank five German and Norwegian steamers and badly damaged four others while killing about 200 enemy troops. This mission was the only U.S. Navy carrier operation in northern European waters during World War II. Support was provided by Royal Navy battleships HMS Duke of York and HMS Anson, USS Tuscaloosa (CA-37), and a U.S. Navy destroyer division. The attack stung the Germans who were arrogant about the Norway occupation and proved that ships and air squadrons of the United States and Royal Navies could work together.


Also, a portrait of Colonel Bernt Balchen of U. S. Army Air Corps could be seen in the museum. He was a world-famous Norwegian Artic Explorer. He rescued several who had been downed on the Greenland ice cap as well as many other exploits, including North Pole exploration. Aside from the portrait, an outstanding exhibit from the Cold War period is an American U2 spy plane. In 1960, the American spy plane U-2 heading for Bodø was shot down by the Soviet Union.

Monument Text:

‘Operation Leader’ board:


I løpet av krigsårene gjeunnomførte allierte styrker en rekke sjø-, land- og luftoperasjoner mot det okkuperte Norge.


Operasjon LEADER var en luftoperasjon rettet mot den tyske forsyningstjenesten langs vår langstrakte kyst


Etter at det tyske slagskipet TIRPITZ i slutten av september 1943 var blitt hardt rammet av britiske miniubåter i Kåfjord, friga Admiral Fraser - sjefen for den britiske Home Fleet, - endel av eskortestyrken til nevnte operasjon. Foruten hangarskipet RANGER, deltok en større marinestyrke.


RANGER var historiens første rene hangarskip og tilhørte den amerikanske marine.

Flygruppen ombord - CAG 4 - bestod av 3 squads.

VT 4 med torpedobombere av typen TBF-1 Avenger, VB 4 med stupbomberne SBD-5 Dauntless og VF 4 med jagerne F4F-4 Wildcat.

Dette ble forøvrig den eneste operasjon mot Skandinavia hvor US Navy deltok under krigen.


Oppgaven for flygruppen var rekognosering og angrep på tyske fartøyer, i området Sandnessjøen - Bodø.


Angrepet ble utført i 2 bølger. Nordre bølge bestod av 20 Dauntless og 8 Wildcat. Tildelt område Myken - Bodø. Søndre bølge, som bestod av 10 Avenger med 6 Wildcat som eskorte, fikk tildelt området Sandnessjøen - Myken.


I alt ble 15 fartøyer funnet og angrepet. Av disse ble 2 senket, 4 ødelagt og 5 skadet.

Amerikanerne mistet 4 mann og 3 fly under operasjonen. I tillegg gikk et jagerfly i sjøen under landing på RANGER. 2 tyske rekognoseringsfly som skygget flåten, ble skutt ned av de amerikanske jagerne.

Det var en Ju88D-1 fra avdelingen 1(F)122 på Bardufoss og en He 115 fra 1./406 i Sørreisa.


De amerikanske flygerne var for en stor del utrente reserveoffiserer, som her fikk sin ilddåp i krig. 

" Vi gikk inn som gutter og kom ut som menn ", uttalte den amerikanske flygruppesjefen - Commander Ruddy - etter operasjonen.


Til minne om / In honour of:



C.A.Tucker - USNR (VB 4)

+ 4.10.43 - Bodø

ARM 2/c

S.D.Bakran - USN (VB 4)

+ 4.10.43 - Bodø

ART 1/c

J.L.Zalom - USN (VT 4)

+ 4.10.43 - Fagervika

AMM 1/c

R.H.Miller - USN (VT 4)

+ 4.10.43 - Fagervika


Lt(jg) S.R.Davis (VB 4), Lt(jg) J.H.Palmer (VT 4) og ARM 2/c D.M.McCarley (VB 4) endte krigen som fanger i  Tyskland (POW's).

4 norske sjømenn omkom under operasjonen.

I tillegg omkom ca. 200 tyske soldater og sjømenn.


Den utstilte motoren er fra Dauntless No. 19, skutt ned over Bodø havn.



(-picture here-)


Dauntless No. 19, idet maskinen treffer havflata etter nedskytingen



English translation:


During the war years, allied forces carried out a number of sea, land and air operations against occupied Norway.


Operation LEADER was an air operation aimed at the German supply service along our long coast


After the German battleship TIRPITZ at the end of September 1943 had been badly hit by British mini-submarines in Kåfjord, Admiral Fraser - the commander of the British Home Fleet - released part of the escort force for the aforementioned operation. Besides the aircraft carrier RANGER, a larger naval force participated.


RANGER was history's first pure aircraft carrier and belonged to the US Navy.

The flight group on board - CAG 4 - consisted of 3 squads.

VT 4 with TBF-1 Avenger type torpedo bombers, VB 4 with SBD-5 Dauntless dive bombers and VF 4 with F4F-4 Wildcat fighters.

Incidentally, this was the only operation against Scandinavia in which the US Navy participated during the war.


The task for the air group was reconnaissance and attack on German vessels, in the area of Sandnessjøen - Bodø.


The attack was carried out in 2 waves. Northern wave consisted of 20 Dauntless and 8 Wildcat. Allocated area Myken - Bodø. The southern wave, which consisted of 10 Avengers with 6 Wildcats as escort, was assigned the area Sandnessjøen - Myken.


A total of 15 vessels were found and attacked. Of these, 2 were sunk, 4 destroyed and 5 damaged.

The Americans lost 4 men and 3 aircraft during the operation. In addition, a fighter plane went into the sea while landing on RANGER. 2 German reconnaissance planes shadowing the fleet were shot down by the American fighters.

There was a Ju88D-1 from department 1(F)122 at Bardufoss and a He 115 from 1./406 in Sørreisa.


The American pilots were largely untrained reserve officers, who here received their baptism of fire in war.

"We went in as boys and came out as men", stated the American air group commander - Commander Ruddy - after the operation.


In memory of / In honor of:



C.A.Tucker - USNR (VB 4)

+ 4.10.43 - Bodø

ARM 2/c

S.D.Bakran - USN (VB 4)

+ 4.10.43 - Bodø

ART 1/c

J.L.Zalom - USN (VT 4)

+ 4.10.43 - Fagervika

AMM 1/c

R.H.Miller - USN (VT 4)

+ 4.10.43 - Fagervika


Lt(jg) S.R.Davis (VB 4), Lt(jg) J.H.Palmer (VT 4) and ARM 2/c D.M.McCarley (VB 4) ended the war as prisoners in Germany (POW's).

4 Norwegian sailors died during the operation.

In addition, approx. 200 German soldiers and sailors.


The engine on display is from Dauntless No. 19, shot down over Bodø harbour.



(-picture here-)


Dauntless No. 19, as the machine hits the sea surface after the launch



For Colonol Bernt Balchen:


Oberst Bernt Balchen

(1899 - 1973)

Utdannet i Marinens Flyvåpen 1921. Deltager på flere ekspedisjoner. Emigrerte til USA og ble amerikansk statsborger i 1931.

Gikk inn i det amerikanske flyvapen og gjorde seg bemerket under 2. verdenskrig. Var bl.a med på opprettelsen av flere flyplasser på Grønland, også etter krigen.

Var i 1940 med på å skaffe materiell til "Lille Norge" - leiren.

Bildet er malt av Loys Sundell, gift med oberst Walden A. Sundell, begge gode venner av Balchen.



English translation:


Colonel Bernt Balchen

(1899 - 1973)

Educated in the Norwegian Air Force in 1921. Participates in several expeditions. Emigrated to the United States and became an American citizen in 1931.

Entered the US Air Force and distinguished himself during World War II. Was involved in the establishment of several airports in Greenland, also after the war.

In 1940, helped to obtain material for the "Little Norway" camp.

The picture was painted by Loys Sundell, married to Colonel Walden A. Sundell, both good friends of Balchen.



Stephen Donald Bakran

Bernt Balchen

Sumner R. Davis

Donald Welker McCarley

Reginald H. Miller

John H. Palmer

Clyde Adair, Jr. Tucker

Joseph Louis Zalom


Office of Strategic Services (OSS)


U.S.S. Ranger

United States Air Force

United States Navy

US Army Air Corps


Cold War



Operation Carpetbagger

Operation Leader

Other images :