17th Airborne Division - Battle of the Bulge Memorial
Behind a small parking area on the other side of the road from the church.
The monument is a large rectangular shaped stone with an inscribed brass plaque attached to the front.
The monument remembers the 17th Airborne Division’s contribution to the Battle of the Bulge Allied counter-offensive, particularly the fight along “Dead-Man’s Ridge” about 10 miles northwest of Bastogne. This was the unit’s baptism of fire.
The Division, the 194th Glider Infantry Regiment; 513th Parachute Infantry Regiment; with the 193rd Glider Infantry Regiment and 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment in reserve entered the Ardennes campaign, 4 to 9 January, at the Battle of Dead Man's Ridge. They captured several small Belgian towns and entered Flamierge on 7 January, but enemy counterattacks necessitated a withdrawal, but later retook the town pushing the enemy to the Ourthe River.
Staff Sergeant Isadora “Izzy” Jachman was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously for his actions during the attack on “Dead-Man’s Ridge” on January 4, 1945.
The monument was dedicated in December 2007. An annual march along “Dead Mans Ridge” remembers the fallen.
Monument Text:
The text on the Monument reads as follows:
In proud remembrance of the men of the
Who fight in this area during the
BATTLE OF THE BULGE in January 1945
They fought that we might be free.
En mémoire des hommes de la
17th airborne Division
qui ont combattu dans cette région durant
la BATAILLE DES ARDENNES en Janvier 1945
pour que nous puissions rester libres.
Isadore Seigfreid “Izzy” Jachman
17th Airborne Division
193rd Glider Regiment
194th Glider Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division
507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division
513th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne Division.
United States Army
Battle of the Bulge
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