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B-24H 'Lazy Lady' (42-52444) Plaque

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The plaque is mounted in an entry alcove of the church.


A black rectangular plaque inscribed in French text with white lettering, commemorating the crew of B-24H 42-52444 “Lazy Lady” which fell on May 11, 1944 at Coulonges-les-Sablons, Varize / Bazoches-en-Dunois and Guillonville during World War II. The plaque was inaugurated on May 9, 2015.


The plane departed from Selsey Bill on an operational mission to Chaumont and the secondary target to Troy, France. It was hit by flak and crashed 3 km eastwest of Varize. Enlisted gunners of Lt Mellens plane, which was flying number two in the lead squadron, state that they watched 42-52444 from the time it started down until it had nearly reached the ground. The plane started burning at the engines (exactly which engines cannot be definitely ascertained) and the flames wither spread immediately to the waist of fire simultaneously started in the vicinity of the waist. By the time the plane was about 2000 feet below them it was as mass of flames. At this time it broke in half. Two officers and two enlisted men agree conclusively that no one could possibly have escaped from the plane after it left their sight.


Statement from S/Sgt Harold E. Owens, the only survivor of 42-52444:

On 11 May 1944 at 10,00, our plane a B-24H took off on a mission. The target was Chaumont and the secondary target, Troy, France.  I was Engineer on this mission. At approximately 1145 we were hit by flak in the nose, which resulted in the death of 2nd Lt Victor S. Kramer, navigator, Sgt Paul K. Churm, top turret gunner and S/Sgt Eugene McKee, radio operator. The plane immediately burst into flames, and we were flying at an altitude of approximately 11,000 feet. A few seconds later the plane started into a dive, and exploded in mid air, with the result that I was blown clear of the plane. I managed to pull my rip cord and landed eight miles north of Chateaudun, France. I made a safe landing and at a distance of one-quarter of a mile I saw the plane completely wrecked and on fire. I was the only member of the crew who parachuted to safety. I did not go near the plane because I knew the bombs had not exploded. I hid in the woods and about five minutes later the bombs exploded. I am listing the following personnel who were members of the crew of my plane.

2nd Lt Lorin David McCleary, 2nd Lt Ernest E. McCoy, 2nd Lt Joseph D. Perry, Sgt Arthur C. Frey, Sgt Clemente M. Barboza, Sgt Dale L. Knapp. I am almost positive that all personnel mentioned above were buried in the town of Bartiss, eight miles NE of Chateaudun, France. All personnel were assigned to the 487th Bomber Group, 838th Bomber Squadron.

Source of information:

Source of images:,

Monument Text:

Varize - Bazoches en Dunois 11 mai 1944

B-24 H - 42-52444 - 487th BG - 838th BS


A la mémoire des 9 aviateurs tués


2nd Lt Lorin D. McCleary Jr

2nd Lt Ernest E . McCoy

2nd Lt Joseph D . Perry

2nd Lt Victor S . Kramer

S/Sgt Eugene McKee

Sgt Arthur C . Frey

Sgt Paul K . Churm

Sgt Clemente M . Barboza

Sgt Dale L . Knapp


En hommage au survivant

T/Sgt Harold E . Owens


English translation:


Varize - Bazoches en Dunois May 11, 1944

B-24 H - 42-52444 - 487th BG - 838th BS


In memory of the 9 airmen killed


2nd Lt Lorin D. McCleary Jr

2nd Lt Ernest E. McCoy

2nd Lt Joseph D. Perry

2nd Lt Victor S. Kramer

S / Sgt Eugene McKee

Sgt Arthur C. Frey

Sgt Paul K. Churm

Sgt Clemente M. Barboza

Sgt Dale L. Knapp


In tribute to the survivor

T / Sgt Harold E. Owens



Clemente Moran Barboza

Paul Kenneth Churm

Arthur C. Frey

Dale Laverne Knapp

Victor Stephen Kramer

Lorin David, Jr. McCleary

Ernest Eugene McCoy

Eugene McKee

Harold Eugene “Spank” Owens

Joseph D. Perry


487th Bomber Group, Heavy

838th Bomber Squadron, 487th Bomber Group, Heavy

8th Air Force

US Army Air Corps



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