Battle of Pizzo (Monte) Campiano – Battle of Riva Ridge Information Sign
Near the peak, about 50 meters from the monument on the peak.
An informational panal.
The information panel recounts the 10th Mountain Division attack on the peak of Pizzo di Campiano, key to taking the Riva Ridge in order to seize the objective of Monte Belvedere as part of Operation Encore. The 10th Mountain Division “Climb to Glory” began here in WW2.
Monument Text:
The text on the information sign is written in Italian and English. The English reads:
Battaglia della Riva- Battle of Riva Ridge
Symbols of the 10th Mountain Division; 5th US Army; Allied 4th Corps
Map of the Battle Area
The Conquest of Pizzo di Campiano
Here at dawn on February 19th, 1945 the 2nd Platoon detached
From Squadron {Company} A of the first battalion of the 86th Alpine Infantry
Regiment of the 10th Mountain Division
Commanded by Lt. James W. Loose Jr. engaged on combat
With the 232nd Fusilier Division, 1044th Panzer
Grenadier Regiment.
The Climb to Glory began here, a fundamental look
At the control point for the “Grun Line II” (Green Line II
Withdrawal line form the Gothic Line), the stronghold which can be seen to the east: The mountains Belvedere; Gorgolesco; Torraccia and
The soldiers of the platoon of Lt. Loose and the successive
Re-enforcement of unit, commanded by Lt. Hallet lead by
Sergeant Bob Thompson, were awarded Bronze and Silver Stars for
Their memorable and heroic action.
Because the Americans were able to surprise the Germans troops ,
And drive them to a lower area where a ferocious battle
Which lasted more than four consecutive days,
Against a proud and well prepared enemy took place.
Because of the strategic importance of this stronghold to capture only a few meters of territory, 12 Americans and 30 Germans died in a very short time.
Martyrs and ideals right or wrong there young lives were
Squandered by the absurd violence of war.
In memory of the platoons of Lt. James” Lucky” Loose and Floyd P. Hallett and the re-enforcements of Americans and Brazilian and Alpine troops
The Italian civilian and Partisans who with courage, valor and dedication
Helped the 85th and 87th Regiments conquest Monte Belvedere
At a great price of human lives,
This was the last German Bulwark
on the road for freedom for Italy