ISOB LTs Joseph Maxwell & Seth Cartee, Barbary Wars
Tomb built into large rock.
A large tomb built into a rock. The tomb is bounded on the sides with columns; an urn sites upon an inscribed altar. The tomb is about 8 feet tall and 6 feet wide.
From President Madison Correspondence, Abstract of Letter from John Gavino, Gibraltar Consulate to President Madison on June 22, 1805 (Relative to Gunboats 3 & 10 and LT Maxwell):
“On the 16h. Inst: arrived the frigate John Adams Capn: Shaw, as did that & the following day Gun Boats No. 3, 5, 6 & 10—they all proceeded the 18. Curt: with the John adams for Malta & the squadron.
“This day arrived Gun Boat No. 4 Liut: Henly, is actually in the Dock making use of the Shear Hulk to Mount his Guns, & how soon fills his water & gets some Stores will proceed imediately for the Squadron. Commissinnr Otway made an equal tender of His Majys: Shear Hulk to all the Commrs: of the other Gunn Boats, but none made use of it except Liut: Henley.
“Gun Boat No: 3 Liut: Maxwell(6) was taken to Alguesiras by the Spanish Gunn Boats, but was imediately released & alowd to proceed.
Note 6: Lt. Joseph J. Maxwell died of a ruptured blood vessel on 11 Feb. 1806 at Syracuse, Sicily (Knox, Naval Documents, Barbary Wars, 6:371, 652).
From US Naval Records (Register of US Naval & Marine Corps Officer 1801-1807):
Maxwell,Joseph J.
Midshpman, February 28,1799. Lieutenant, May 18, 1804. Served in John Adams and Constellation duringQua- si-War with France; Siren, Constitution, a n d J o h n Adams, and m command of Gunboat No. 3 in the Medi- terranean, 1803-1806 ; Died February 11, 1806.
Cartee, Seth.
Acting sailing master in U. S. S.
Enterprize in the Mediter- ranean June to November, 1801. Sailingmaster, Novem- ber 18, 1801. Lieutenant, May 18, 1804. Served in En- terprize, and Scourge, and in command of Gunboat No. 10 in the Mediterranean, 1801- 1806. Died March 31, 1806.
Monument Text:
The text is written in English and reads:
The Memory of
Lie’ Joseph Maxwell, late Commander of United States
Gunboat N 3 who died in Syracuse Feb 11, 1806
Lie’ Seth Cartee the late Commander of United States
Gunboat N 10 who died in Syracuse March 31, 1806
The Monument
Is erected as a testimony of
their brother Officers
Gunboat No 10, US Navy
Gunboat No 3, US Navy
United States Navy
Barbary Wars (First and Second)
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