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American Landing Plaque 3

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Monument Text:

Here landed June 26th 1917 Convoyed by the American Navy the First Troops of the American Expeditionary Force Cursaders of Right and Freedom with the soldiers of France and her Allies erected by popular contribiution from all the states of the American Union to commemorate a great cause and to honor the imperishable ideals of liberty that unite the two republics dedicated June 26 1926

Voici débarqué Juin 1917 26ème convoyés par la marine américaine, les premières troupes de la Force expéditionnaire américain Cursaders de droit et la liberté avec les soldats de la France et ses alliés érigé par contribiution populaires de tous les États de l'Union américaine pour commémorer une grande cause et de honorer les idéaux de liberté impérissable qui unissent les deux républiques dédié Juin 26 1926



Albert Gleaves


16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division

18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division

26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division

28th Infantry Regiment

2nd U.S. Field Signal Battalion

S.S. Antiles

S.S. Dakotan

S.S. Edward Luckenbach

S.S. El Occidente

S.S. Finland

S.S. Havana

S.S. Lenape

S.S. Mallory

S.S. Momus

S.S. Montanan

S.S. Pastores

S.S. San Jacinto

S.S. Saratoga

S.S. Tenadores

U.S. Ambulance Co. No. 13

U.S. Bakery No. 9

U.S. Base Hospital No. 18

U.S. Field Hospital No. 13

U.S. Quartermasters Corps

U.S. Stevendore companies Nos. 1,2,3,4

U.S.S. Allen

U.S.S. Ammen

U.S.S. Aphrodite

U.S.S. Benham

U.S.S. Birmingham

U.S.S. Burrows

U.S.S. Charleston

U.S.S. Conyngham

U.S.S. Corsair

U.S.S. Cummings

U.S.S. Cushing

U.S.S. Cyclops

U.S.S. Davis (DD-395)

U.S.S. De Kalb

U.S.S. Drayton

U.S.S. Ericsson

U.S.S. Fanning

U.S.S. Hancock

U.S.S. Henderson

U.S.S. Jacob Jones

U.S.S. Jarvis

U.S.S. Kanawha

U.S.S. McDougal

U.S.S. Nicholson

U.S.S. O'Brien (DD-725)

U.S.S. Parker

U.S.S. Patterson

U.S.S. Paulding

U.S.S. Porter

U.S.S. Sampson

U.S.S. Seattle

U.S.S. Shaw

U.S.S. St. Louis

U.S.S. Terry

U.S.S. Trippe

U.S.S. Tucker

U.S.S. Wadsworth

U.S.S. Wainwright

U.S.S. Walke (DD-723)

U.S.S. Warrington

U.S.S. Wilkes

U.S.S. Winslow

United States Air Force

United States Army

United States Marine Corps

United States Navy
