The 9/11 Memorial Oak Tree is located on the west side of the Jardin du Luxembourg, immediately north of the replica of the Statue of Liberty. To most easily find the tree, enter the gardens from Rue Guynemer or Rue d'Assas and follow the crushed limestone path that parallels the Rue Guynemer for 200 meters. The tree is situated in one of the small grassy areas surrounded by a small decorative fence.
Plaque This oak tree is relatively young compared to the others in the garden and therefore has the appearance of a young sapling. The bronze plaque in front of the tree is mounted on a concrete base and features a bilingual French and English inscription that explains the symbolism of the tree as well as its dedication.
"Ce chêne est dédié à la mémoire des victimes, du 11 septembre 2001 aux États-Unis.
Offert par la communauté de Paris en témoignage de l'amitié franco-américaine,
il a été planté le 30 janvier 2002
M. Christian Poncelet, Président du Sénat
en présence de
Son Excellence M. Howard Leach, Ambassadeur des États-Unis d'Amérique
La Princesse de La Tour d'Auvergne, Président de French Heritage Society/FVMF
M. Paul Girod, Président du groupe interparlementaire France - États-Unis du Sénat.
This American oak is dedicated to the memory of the victims of September 11, 2001
in the United States of America.
Gift of the American community in Paris as a symbol of Franco-American friendship,
planted on January 20, 2002
M. Christian Poncelet, President of the French Senate
in the presence of
The Honorable Howard Leach, Ambassador of the United States of America to France
Princesse de la Tour d'Auvergne, Président of French Heritage Society/FVMF
Mr. Paul Girod, President of the French-American Friendship Commitee of the French Senate."