B-17 (42-31126) Crash Memorial -388th Bomber Group
This monument is located on the southern side of the road Vibaekvej in the middle of the cluster of vegetation that constitutes the Bellinge site.
The monument is located approximately 200 meters from the original crash site. The Danish text of the monument commemorates the sacrifice of the two American airmen who were killed when their B-17 crashed after being attacked by German flak fire and fighter planes while returning from a bombing run over Poznan, Poland. The crew served with the 560th Bomber Squadron of the 388th Bomber Group.
Two crew members were killed in the crash and the other eight became prisoners of war. Immediately to the left of the monument there is a small wooden board which displays two small plaques (one metal and one plastic) of a local organization.
Monument Text:
"Til Minde Om
To Amerikanske Flyvere
Fl/Lt U S A F Wymann Osness
T/Sgt U S A F William Morse
Som Den 20 Februar 1944
Tro I Kampen Mod Uret Og
Voldsmagt Her Satte Livet Til
For Retferds Sag De Visite Mod
Og Gav Det Største-Liv Og Blod
Rejst Af Beboere
I Brendekilde Og Bellinge"
English Translation:
In Memory Of
Two American Pilots
Who Crashed Here On
February 20, 1944, During
Their Fight Against Injustice
For The Sake Of Justice,
They Displayed Courage And
Payed The Ultimate Sacrifice
From The Residents Of
Brendekilde and Bellinge"
388th Bombardment Group (Heavy)
560th Bomber Squadron, 388th Bomber Group
United States Air Force