99th Infantry Division Plaque
This plaque is located just to the right of the town's war memorial, on the same elevated stone surface. Plaque
The 9th Paratrooper Regiment was a German unit that fought during the battle. This unit encountered the US 99th Infantry Division "Battle Babies"or "Checkerboard" Division, who had little combat experience, yet held their ground against the German offensive and prevented them from advancing further into Belgium. However, these two units did not meet each other in St. Vith, rather at Lanzerath, where approximately 20 soldiers from the 99th faced off against 500 soldiers from the 9th Fallschirmjäger-Regiment and associated units.
Monument Text:
Den Gefallenen der
und den Opfern von St.Vith
zum Gedenken
99th.U.S. Infantry Regiment*
14.Dezember 1969
English Translation:
In memory of the fallen
of the Battle of the Bulge
and the victims of St. Vith.
9.Paratrooper Regiment
99th.U.S. Infantry Regiment*
December 14, 1969
Note*: Division
99th Infantry Division
United States Army
Battle of the Bulge
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