B-17 'Windy City Challenger' (42-3049) Plaque
On the outside wall of the town church.
A white plaque with an inscription commemorating the US airmen that crashed in the area during WWII.
Monument Text:
A la memoire des onze membres de
l'equipage américain du "Windy City Challenger"
forteresse volante abattue au dessus de la
commune de Lieusaint par des
chasseurs allemands le 14 Juillet 1943
provoquant la mort de sept aviateurs
au retour d'une mission de bombardement
sur la base de Villacoublay.
Georges C. CARRUTHERS (prisonnier de guerre) |
Joseph E. DEVINE (mort au combat) |
Arthur C. LEWIS (mort au combat) |
Joseph L.P. DUBE (mort au combat) |
Kenneth V. MEYER (mort au combat) |
Harold J. FEDORA (prisonnier de guerre) |
Charles H. OTIS (prisonnier de guerre) |
George L. FRIEND (prisonnier de guerre) |
Joseph H. PERKINS, Jr (mort au combat) |
Sidney LESNEAU (mort au combat) |
Joseph C. WENDELL (mort au combat) |
English translation:
In memory of the eleven US airmen of the flying fortress "Windy City Challenger" that were shot down and seven of whom were killed over Lieusaint by German fighters on July 14th 1943 after returning from a bombing mission over Villacoublay.
Georges C. Carruthers (POW)
Joseph E. Devine (KIA)
Joseph L.P. Dube (KIA)
Harold J. Fedora (POW)
George L. Friend (POW)
Sidney Lesneau (KIA)
Arthur C. Lewis (KIA)
Kenneth V. Meyer (KIA)
Charles H. Otis (POW)
John H. Perkins Jr. (KIA)
Joseph C. Wendell (KIA)
422nd Bomber Squadron, 305th Bomber Group, Heavy
555th Bomb Squadron, 386th Bomb Group
8th Air Force
United States Air Force
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