B-26 'Patsy' (42-95946) Memorial Plaque
On the outside wall of a building next to the town's war memorial on the south side of the D56.
A white plaque with red lettering commemorating US aviators that crashed in the area during WWII.
Monument Text:
"A la memoire de l'equipage du
B26 Americain du 444 Bomb Sq 320 GP
qui s'est ecrasait dans les bois de Plottes
le 13 Novembre 1944
C'est dans ce local transforme en chapelle
ardent que furent deposes les corps des
Capitaine FIELDS |
Sergeant HECKO |
Lieutenant HISEY |
Sergeant MYERS |
Lieutenant DAWKI |
Sergeant MONTARULI |
Lieutenant VIEBROCK |
Caporal PECK |
Caporal YOHANNAN |
Morts loin de leurs pays parce qu'ils etaient
venus aider a la liberation du notre"
English translation:
In memory of the crew of the B-26 from 444th BS 320th BG that crashed in the Plottes woods on November 13th 1944
Here, in this building transformed into a chapel, that were laid out the bodies of
Cpt Fields
Lt Hisey
Lt Dawki
Lt Viebrock
Sgt Hecko
Sgt Myers
Sgt Montaruli
Cpl Peck
Cpl Yohannan
KIA far from their country to liberate ours
12th Air Force
320th Bomber Group (Medium)
444th Bomber Squadron, 320th Bomb Group
United States Air Force
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