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Located in the grouping of plaques near the site entrance and parking lot.  Plaque The plaque commemorates the sacrifice and bravery of the medics of the 505th PIR, 82nd Airborne, who courageously gave aid to wounded Soldiers while unarmed near La Fiere at the 1st Battalion Aid Station from 6-9 June 1944. 

Monument Text:

Near this site, the fierce battle for La Fiere, the medics of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 82nd Airborne established the 1st Battalion Aid Station from 6-9 June 1944 so that "our fellow troopers may live". We honor these brave medics, and all the medics of the 82nd Airborne. They gave of themselves selflessly. They went into battle unarmed. The victory could not have been won without them.

Proche de-ce lieu, pendant la bataille a La Fiere du 6 au 9 juin 1944, les infirmiers du 505eme regiment d'infanterie parachutiste, 82eme division aeroportee, ont etabli le poste de secours du premier bataillon "pour que nos camarades puissent vivre". Nous honorons ces braves infirmiers ainsi que tout le corps medical des troupes aeroportees. Sur le front, sans armes, leur implication totale et desinteressee a grandement contribue a la victorie finale. 



505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne

United States Army




Normandy Invasion