507th PIR Statue and Plaque
Located near the back of the site away from parking area near the flag poles. Statue The memorial consists of a stone sculpture of an American paratrooper in the progress of parachuting. This statue is placed on top of a darker stone which has two plaques, one in French and one in English, that commemorate the 507th PIR's role in securing critical areas and bridges along the Merderet River to allow American forces to link up with one another.
Monument Text:
C'est isi, le long des rives du Merderet que pendant les premieres heures du 6 juin 1944, les hommes du 507eme Regiment d'Infanterie Aeroporte de l'Armee des Etats-Unis furent parachutes, avec comme mission: restituer la France au peuple francais. Du secteur d'Amfreville au sud du Pont de La Fiere, a Chef du Pont et jusqu'a Graignes, le 507eme avec d'autres elements de la 82eme Division Aeroportee, arreta toutes les tentatives de la 91eme Division allemande et du 6eme Regiment des Parachutistes. Les Allemands Aucune troupe allemande organisee ne traversa le Merderet a l'ouest ou a l'est par la zone occupee par le 507eme pendant cette periode du Jour-J a J+3. Les ponts resterent intacts et purent finalment etre utilises par le forces americaines qui avancaient. Le 507eme avait accompli la mission qui lui avait ete assignee.
C'est pour leur bravoure et leur sacrifice, que ce monument est dedie a ces hommes et a ces officiers courageux et tenaces du 507eme, dont une grande partie repose ici, en paix, en Normandie. Leur professionnalisme, prouve par leurs actions et leur sacrifice pendant la bataille de Normandie et dans les autres campagnes contre les Nazis, a permis a chaque membre du 507eme P.I.R. d'avoir sa place dans ce lieu reserve a ceux qui mettent au-dessus de tout, la sauvegarde de la liberte.
It was here along the banks of the Merderet River during the early morning hours of June 6, 1944, that the troopers of the United States Army's 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment landed by parachute to begin their part in returning France to the French people. From the area around Amfreville, south to the bridges at La Fiere and Chef du Pont and on to Graignes, the 507th, with other elements of the 82nd Airborne Division, frustrated all attempts by the German 91st Airlanding Division and the 6th Parachute Regiment to reinforce German defenses at Utah Beach while simultaneously assuring that the bridges at La Fiere and Chef du Pont remained intact for the debouchment of U.S. seaborne forces. No organized German force crossed the Merderet from west to east within the 507th area of responsibility during the designated period, D-Day through D+3. The bridges remained intact and eventually were used by the advancing U.S. forces. The 507th had accomplished its assigned missions.
It is fitting and proper, therefore, that this monument be dedicated to the proud, courageous and tenacious men and officers of the 507th, many of whom lie in peace here in Normandy. Their professionalism, as reflected by their actions and sacrifices during Normandy and all subsequent battles against the Nazis, earned every member of the 507th P.I.R. a prominent niche in that special hall reserved for those who place the interests of preserving liberty above all else.
Back side:
507 Parachute Infantry Regiment
Sauts de comabats parachutistes
Normandie-le 6 juin 1944 Traversee de la Rhenanie (Wesel) le 24 Mars 1945
Citations de l'unite
Citation presidentielle des Etats Unis, Unite(Armee)
Croix de Guerre francaise avec Deux Distinctions
Croix de Guerre francaise
Seconde Guerre mondiale,
Distinctions Individuelles Obtenues
Medaille d'Honneur: George J. Peters (a titre posthume)
Distingues pir la Croix de Ser.: Arthur A. Maloney, Robert D. Rae, Earl F. Robinson, Charles J. Timmes, Dante Toneguzzo, John J. Van Volkenburg
Etoile d'Argent: 108 Distinctions
Medaille de Soldat: 7 Distinctions
Etoile de Bronze: 351 Distinctions
Purple Heart: 1446 Distinctions
Normandie (Invasion Arrowhead): du 6 Juin 1944 au 24 Juillet 1944
Rhenanie: du 15 Septembre 1944 au 21 Mars 1945
Ardennes-Alsace: du 16 Decembre 1944 au 25 Janvier 1945
Europe Centrale (Arrowhead): du 22 Mars 1945 au 11 Mai 1945
Combat Parachute Jumps
Normandy-June 6, 1944
Rhine Crossing (Wesel)
March 24, 1945
Unit Citation
U.S. Presidential Unit Citation (Army)
French Croix de Guerre, with 2 Palms
French Croix de Guerre
World War II Fourragere
Earned Individual Awards
Medal of Honor: George J. Peters (posthumous)
Distinguished Service Cross: Arthur A. Maloney, Robert D. Rae, Earl F. Robinson, Charles J. Timmes, Dante Toneguzzo, John J. Van Volkenburg
Silver Star: 108 Awards
Soldiers Medal: 7 Awards
Bronze Star: 351 Awards
Purple Heart: 1446 Awards
Normandy (Invasion Arrowhead): June 6, 1944 to July 24, 1944
Rhineland: September 15, 1944 to March 21, 1945
Ardennes-Alsace: December 16, 1944 to January 25, 1945
Central Europe (Arrowhead): March 22, 1945 to May 11, 1945
507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne
82nd Airborne Division
United States Army
Normandy Invasion
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